White Hair

Feeling: ok
I'm back. Yeah, nothing too exciting there. So ... I best explain myself. T'yes ... David thinks he's my dad sometimes, and sets a curfew for me. More recently, the 11 o'clock curfew has been set into place. My punishment for breaking said curfew is no computer for a certain allotted number of days. Still with me? Well, his reason for doing this - the whole bedtime/curfew thing - is because of myself. See, I have this horrid case of insomnia and nothing, just ... nothing, seems to work. So he thought that getting me back onto a regular sleeping routine and whatnot. It hasn't worked yet. Remember how I wanted to close myself off for Friday? Well, it started out okay. Thursday night, I watched the two Harry Potter movies out of sheer boredom, then started reading the series again. But then last night my aunt and her aunt-in-law show up for a surprise visit - all the way from Wisconsin. And - I really love these people - so instead of letting them spend money on a hotel room, I let them stay in my room out of the goodness of my heart - and I slept on the couch. So much for shutting myself off, huh? It was worth it. I hadn't seen my aunt in over a year - and I really love this woman. She's loads of fun! She and her aunt-in-law are out right now visiting other relatives, but it was nice having her around. She's staying again tonight. She makes me laugh. So, I stayed in the living room last night. Of course, I couldn't sleep. Didn't want to watch TV because I was afraid I might wake up out guests, so I just kept on reading my Harry Potter books. I was halfway through the third one when David walked into the room and just stared at me for a while. And I just looked back at him, all innocent-like and he said "What are you doing still up?" And I said "Reading." And he said "It's after two o'clock in the morning!" And I just said "I know, I'm almost done with this chapter." HA-HAAAAA! Score one for the Sethard! David doesn't speak my book lingo. Just because I said "I'm almost done with this chapter" doesn't mean that it translates to "I'll go to bed once I've finished this chapter." Oh no no no no! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What drove my mother crazy when I was in grade school was when her 10-year-old son would be going to bed at one in the morning after reading "just one more chapter." Riiiiiiiight! So David went on to tell me that he just didn't get it - that he took away the computer, the TV, even the room is gone from me, and yet there I am! Still awake! After two in the morning. He is teetering on the precipice of giving UP! I know it's only a matter of time before he learns that my insomnia is not caused by a simple computer screen, but by my own thoughts stimulating my mind and keeping me awake! *sigh* Brothers. Right so ... I finished the Prisoner of Azkaban around 2:00 this afternoon. I'm thinking about reading the Goblet of Fire again ... but ... I don't know. I've already read these books, by the way, I'm just taking a refresher course for the 23rd's Harry Potter party at the bookstore, since the fifth book is FINALLY being released. My hair should be white by then. In fact, it should be white by tonight! Because my aunt has decided to help me out with the hair thing. Wonder what character I could pretend to be with white hair. I know! I can dress up and pretend to be half-Veela or ... something. Maybe I'll be a unicorn. I don't know. I'm NOT going to be Dumbledore, that one's already been taken by the President of the college. Seems fitting, doesn't it? What's this? I haven't told you about my hair going white? Well ... Lindsay knows. Yeah ... I've decided to kind of ... uhm ... try something different with my hair. No, it's not just because of the whole being compared to Julia Volkova thing - I just thought that it was time for a change. And ... I was looking into the whole Fruits Basket deal and, well, I really like Haru's hair so ... I thought I'd go for that kind of look. You know, white mess on top, short black crop on bottom. I think it would be fun. I wish I could talk to J.K. Rowling - I mean, I know it's -her- book and all, -her- story ... but ... you know ... I just have this REALLY good idea for a character and ... it would fit so well into all of the stories and would explain a lot and ... well ... maybe she's already thought of it, but still! It would be fun, I think. I'd have the perfect hair for it, too ... I'd just need to get a blue tattoo of a Crescent Moon facing upwards on my forehead ... and be all ... glisteny. I can be glisteny! I know I have some body glitter around her somewhere. What? You think GIRLS should have all the fun? COME ON! I like smelling pretty and looking pretty, too! There's nothing wrong with a guy who just wants to smell nice and look nice for the rest of the human race. Is it so WRONG for a guy to want to accent his eyes with mascara or eyeliner every now and again because he believes that the eyes should be the focus of the human face - because he believes that eyes mirror the soul? Please, girls! Learn to share. Nice quote I heard, just now. "I'm only acting nice because I want to be loved. I'm only acting nice so I can be happy. It may all be a lie." It just ... really made me think for a while there ... about myself ... about ... things. I don't really want to think of this right now, I was in a good mood. I'm going to go read ... something ... and steal some pizza. So! No dream entry today, sorry. No dreams really to remember. So, yeah. I'll be back another time. 9 days until you-know-when. Blessed be! Haru! The inspiration for my hair ...
Read 10 comments
It will be cool hair.
-Blinks-..Damnit there goes my chips!..hrm.. anyway.. I've always wanted my hair like that.. just not bold enough to do it..and whhhyyy??? whyyyy when I get the guts to leave youuuu have tooo saaaaayyyyy you'll miiisssss mmeeeeee...now I dun wanna go... ._.'
Very much so! you evil,evil evil person you..-Shakes finger-
-Cracks up laughing- I'm sorry..-Dies from laughing so much-.. works everytime c.c' .. -evil-
-Snickers- clam yourself Seth, who knows you might pop a brain bubble..uhm..if theres such a thing..
that was great. melting things are the best. i used a lighter on a binder tho. it wasnt very smart. almost caught the bed on fire twice, then the ones that were just puddles of hardened army men wouldnt come off the binder cos they were stuck to the stupid plastic. any-who. that was great.
oh yes, Harry Potter kicks so much ass
Suisatsu dare.. ( I think that's what it is..)
Heh.. just something stupid like Guess who? or.. you can never guess who or yada yada yada..I was just being stupid that's all..I'm good at that.
-Taps fingers together-..Yeah everythings been fine... I'll be around sooner or later.. hope you're doing well too..