I have rice cakes : )

Feeling: leftout
Ok so today was sort of an interesting day. I went to school, duh, then after school Jordan and I went to the mall. I mean, what else is there to do here? Nada. So to the mall we went. We ambled about for a few hours, in search of new attire for school and such, which we found little of. Everything these days has sequins on it. It’s disturbing to say the least. I don’t do…sequins. So yeah. No clothes. Then Jordan remembered that she had two hot topic gift cards that were rotting in her wallet and decided to be rid of them, so we went there to spend spend spend! She ended up buying a couple shirts and a HIM patch (surprise surprise) and I don’t remember what else…I got nothing. As usual. But yeah we then commenced to paying for her wares, but I soon realized that there were two guys behind us in line. I could only see one out of the corner of my eye, but I knew he was talking to his friend that was standing behind me. He was talking really loud, so I tried to drown him out. But then I realized that he was talking to his friend about me. I was…concerned to say the least. So I listened to their conversation. That’s when I got really alarmed. The one guy kept saying “Don’t be so shy! She wants to go out with you! Maybe she likes guys with tattoos! Stop being shy! She’s going to turn around and walk out of the store and you won’t see her again! Ask her out already!” By then I was freaking out and telling Jordan as calmly as I could to hurry the fuck up so we could get the hell OUT of there. She caught on and we hurried up and walked really fast before they could really do anything. But was I satisfied with just leaving it behind? No. I had to see this guy. I couldn’t tell what he looked like because he was the one behind me. Jordan said he was extremely emo. I despise, I scorn, I loathe, I detest emo people. I mean if they happen to be nice and I get to know them then that’s one thing. But I mean their music……….hatred. Anyway. I had to see this guy. So we went a few stored down and went on the little bridge thing and stood there looking at the entrance, waiting for them to come out. They came out a few seconds later and looked around for us. They started going the other direction and then saw us and started coming toward us. Jordan and I panicked and ran to the Bath & Body Works. We hid. The woman looked at us strangely, but seemed to understand from what we were saying that we were avoiding somebody outside. So she left us alone. But Jordan, dumbass, was spotted through the window. One of the guys saw her and pointed to the store and they went into the store next door. We waited a few minutes and then practically jogged toward the food court. We lost them. Ha. I’m describing this as if it were some thrilling adventure or something. Oh well. We ditched the he/she’s. After that we kicked back and split an entrée at Panda. Orange chicken, of course. Then Mikael showed up at his job at some place in the food court that I have never been to. He looked odd with his hair back. We saw him and went over to say Hi on our way to the bathrooms (yes. for vanity’s sake) and when he saw us he did a sort or double take and seemed to burn himself, which I thought was cute. It’s sad. He really is not bad looking and he seems really nice, it’s just that so many girls are always hanging on him and he seems to enjoy it so…kind of a turnoff. But I guess he can’t help that he’s cute and nice and funny and um….friendly or whatever. So yeah we said hi and then bye and then we left. We sat outside and listened to the music that seemed to emanate from the trees. One song being a horrible Mariah Carey cover of a Nirvana song. Of course Jordan and I were outraged. Lol. What else…what else… Oh! We have a new Toxic at our mall now. I love that store. I’ve actually been going to the one in Ventura for a few years now, which was actually better since nobody here knew about it. Now these lil Santa Claritians are surely going to make it like Hot Topic. Oh god I hope not…leave it to the SCV to fuck things up royally. But I would totally work there. Maybe I will. Who knows? We also got a voodoo doll (actually it’s some little asian doll from Hot Topic. Of all places. But it looks EXACTLY like Brandon. So yeah…). I had lots and lots of fun torturing it. But then I also have no way of knowing whether it affected Brandon in any way. I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow at school to see. Heh heh. He’ll come to school all battered…I guess you would have to understand who Brandon is to be able to comprehend why I would want to torture him. Poor guy. He didn’t even do that much. Not to me anyway. But he still irks me. Yeah. Jordan and I have great conversations: suburbansuicide8 (6:08:29 PM): and guys don’t FUCKING RESPOND GOD DAMMIT GrimDivinity666 (6:08:34 PM): I KNOW GrimDivinity666 (6:08:36 PM): BASTARDS GrimDivinity666 (6:08:40 PM): let's egg their cars suburbansuicide8 (6:08:53 PM): let's egg THEM Ok. Too many people talking to me at once. I’m done with this for now. Late
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ah good times good times.

wtf you bitch...they spotted ME?? oh because you were just so camoflauged behind all the pink and purple lotions.