
Hmm...I was originally going to write a lot in here but for some reason I don't really...feel like it.. I don't want to go to work today. And I can't get a hold of my dad, so I dunno how I'm supposed to get to work. Such a pain in the ass...I really need a car. And a license. And insurance. And and and... Oh ok nevermind my dad is gonna pick me up soon. God I hate having to rely on my parents to drive me around. But then it's their fault I don't have a license because they don't have car insurance. Which is illegal. Aah why am I suddenly in a crappy mood? The last week has just...sucked. A lot. And not in a really huge way, just a lot of little things... Although going to my grandparents' wasn't that bad. But this weekend (or Thursday after school) I'm going with Jordan and her family to San Diego for Jordan's birthday. Which means we get to go to DICK'S!!! Yesssss... And then we get to go to Ventura afterward? Amazing. My parents would never do that for me. But then...we know how my parents are... So we were walking around the track and by the ZT buildings and it was reeeeally hot and uncomfortable. (Oh oh we couldn't work out in the gym today because they were doing the blood drive in there......uuugh. There had to be hundreds of needles in that room.....fucking scary.) Anyway we were walking and looking for shade and I was like.......dammit they should have put trees on that big field over there...what the fuck were they thinking..... Oh yeah. It's a football field... But then they may as well with our football team....just stick some trees on there so we aerobics people could sit under them and chill. Uhh I'm tired... Oh and then Jordan stopped suddenly in front of me...and I was like whoa.....that was like....playing football on a field with trees... I guess you had to be there to comprehend my genius. Hmm what else.... Oh. Then Jordan realized that Trendsexual should be a word. Because well...does anyone remember when it was a trend to be bi? Bisexuals are now called Trendsexuals. Yes yes make a mental note... Yeah I'm pretty much done. Jordan wants me to peer edit her essay thing for Relevancy or whatever....although I am not her peer....but I shall do it. End.
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