The stuff brilliance is made of…

Feeling: peeved
It rained again today. I mean, it did in the very beginning, but by the time I got to school, it had stopped. Which was lame. It rained enough to get my hair wet and wavy. Nay – curly. And crappy. And then it stopped. And I didn’t even have the rain as an excuse. But the strange thing about it was that I got a lot of compliments on my hair today. I put pomade stuff in it and some mousse shit, so it actually looked not so bad. Just the front part and the top part of my hair was a little lame looking. The kids that I absolutely loathe got their hacky sack stuck in a tree today. It was fucking classic. I mean, this kid threw it a little too hard or something, and it got stuck in a tree. Being the true genius that he is, he threw his shoe up there to get it to fall out. The hacky sack fell out alright…but not his shoe. Now his shoe was stuck. He then decided that it would be a good idea to try to get the shoe out of the tree with the hacky sack. These kids…they will be great rulers one day. Mark my words. He threw the hacky sack up and what happened? It got stuck. Didn’t even move the shoe. Then stupidass Tyler got tired of watching the little stooge struggle, and got his shoe for him. He left the hacky sack. I think it’s still there… It was truly an amusing sight. I felt pleasure at the sight of him without his stupid hacky sack. I still get chills just thinking about it. Heh. Last night my mom was feeling bitchy again (because of my brother. of course.) and she made me get offline. I went into my room, but on the way I found a new astrology book that she got. It was pretty cool. I love that stuff. I was bored and, with nothing better to do, I read about what signs were good for me to be with, as it was some kind of relationships astrology book. The best ones for me apparently are (in order of preference): Aquarius Leo Aries It said that Aquarius was the best because I had a better chance of becoming really good friends with that person. I don’t know for sure though. I don’t know much about the other ones. I just kinda looked and this one was at the top, so I read that and went to sleep. Sigh…I’m bored. I wanna go to Ventura to go see Scoot again. That would be cool. I like getting out of the SCV. It’s nice…and I know Jordan wanted to also. Maybe on Thursday or Friday, as those are minimum days. It just gets kinda boring with just me and Jordan. Actually it doesn’t really. We kind of entertain ourselves a lot. We can just talk for hours on end about nothing important…it’s funny actually. So it would be fun to go sometime this week. If my mom ever stops fighting with Larry. If she is still. Ok…I need to get off now. I hate parents that bother you constantly about homework. My dad is here with me and my brother this evening. Goody. And he is obsessed with homework. Mostly with my brother, but he happens to be watching TV right by where I am at the moment, so I’m easier to yell at. Oh well… Night.
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