Today was Jordan's Berfday!!!!!!!!!!!! (or something)

Listening to: Stuff
Feeling: alone
Today was Jordan’s Berfday (if that’s how she spells it even…). I just got back from her house. We went to Outback for dinner and had lotsa Shirley temples to drink and I think I’m totally awake now because of it…we started getting somewhat hyper during the end of the evening, although her parents had alcohol so they had quite a different effect. Or something. Then we rambled about fake smoking in the parking lot on the way to the car and marveled at the way the lights from Chuy’s reflected on the wet pavement. Exciting. Especially after a numerous amount of sodas. Endless amount. Yes yes quite. Tomorrow is Thursday. We have Friday off, thank god. That should be way cool. We can go out to Ventura and have lotsa fun. Yes. And I’m guessing Ron will go with us as well. With my mom at least. To keep her busy. Hopefully nothing starts between him and Larry. I dunno how you would say that. Between Ron and Larry. There you go. And while we’re out there I can get Jordan something for her Berfday (yes I know Jordan…I’m overdoing it on purpose. Silly.). Oh my god…it rained today. I HATE it when it rains that way at school. I mean, if it’s going to rain, it should actually RAIN for christ’s sake. Not just be all sprinkley and stuff so that my hair gets ruined and then gets all sunny so it looks like I was just too stupid or lazy to do my hair that day. Oh well. I need to get over it lol. I just don’t like looking that way…if you saw me when I was younger you would understand why I am obsessed with my appearance. I mean I really really do like rain, but usually when I’m inside I like it more. Sometimes it can be cool when it’s raining really hard and you’re outside, but yeah. Not in high school when it’s being all…stupid. Oh well. I lived through the day. Even when Jordan was taking pictures of me. I even lived through that. I HATE cameras. I am not photogenic in any way. Never have been. Never will be. I missed over half of stupid brunch today. I had a huge math test right before, and I had to stay in to finish it. I’m not doing too hot in that class so I had to pass it…I hope I did. God this is TOTALLY creeping me out. My stupidass irresponsible mother isn’t home and I’m here alone and I’m totally freaking because my dogs are barking and I dunno why. Actually it isn’t that bad. I have one of my dogs in here with me, which helps me feel a little safer at least…and now my mom’s home. Good. So now I gotta go. Still grounded, remember? Bye.
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