
Feeling: full
Friday nights are so much better when you get off work. It's like.....I'm FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Whereas when you don't work it's like....Friday. Big Deal. But yay it's Friday and work is over. Until next week. Ugh. Today wasn't so bad tho...I'm getting better at what I have to do at the place and I'm doing more and stuff. But the people that work there still bother me. They're all stereotypical Asian teenagers - all they do is huddle around a desk and discuss things like the colleges they'll be going to and what they'll be majoring in and boring subjects of that nature. It's really horrible. And Asians are so cliquey, too. Like....they only converse with other Asians. If you're anything else...good luck. I dunno you would have to be there to understand... Only a few more hours until the party. Yessssss....I really need it. Ok I'm having too much fun looking up music from Simpsons episodes to finish this entry. I keep getting distracted. Just know that I am God.
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