Jordan is a tard. Actually she wasn't tardy today...she was

Feeling: eek!
Jordan wasn't at school today. She was um....not in the best health? I suppose? Mentally? But then who is...heh. So basically she has tomorrow and then another break. Beetch. But tomorrow we're hoping we can go to Ventura. That would be nice. Especially because we didn't go on Saturday....Jordan and I were fighting. But it's not like my mom can say "Oh you just went on Saturday..." HA. She is foiled yet again. But if Ron-ass goes then all will be well. We can even take his range rover mebbe. I love that many buttons you see. I think I mentioned that before...but it's as true now as it was then. Yes. Yes it is. But I haven't been to Ventura for quite a while. I haven't seen Scoot in too long. Poor Scoot. So dejected. Oh yea Theron can meet Scoot...that would be cool. Ow my leg still hurts a leetle from this mourning. I woke up because I had a HORRIBLE cramp in my leg. Like the kind that feels like somebody is sawing off your leg...slowly? It was bad. But when it finally went away I like...couldn't walk. It hurt...but I lived obviously. I had to go to school and I was freaking out because if I'm late one more time...I said this in my last entry. $300. Yep. Bad. Ha. Theron found out the hard way just how photogenic I'm NOT. He has this project due for his Video class and he was taking pictures of his "life." So he was taking pictures of us and like...I didn't take one decent picture. I was like yeah...I wasn't lying about the non-photogenic...ness? Now you For future reference - I AM IN NO WAY PHOTOGENIC. I guess modeling's out lol. Jk. I guess the album Pretty Hate Machine was re-released today? I didn't know albums were re-released. But luckily Theron knew the entire history of the album and enlightened me. Lol. I heard one song that said it was from that album...I don't remember which one it was. But I wanted to get that CD. I shall. Eventually. But they didn't have it at Best Buy today, which is weird considering it's Best Buy...they should have it? Oh well. Santa Clarita has NO good CD stores. None. Just Best Buy. And obviously they don't have that much...thank god for Amoeba. And even they don't have everything. God...what does one have to DO for a decent music store...I ask you. I need an iPod. My CDs are getting waaay too fucked up. My dad takes them sometimes and when they find their way back to my case they have new little welts on them. Or little pieces of food stuck to them. Alas, poor CDs. As was the fate of my Alice In Chains Unplugged CD. I think we can now say it's officially dead...I need a new copy. Thank god I burned it onto iTunes a few months ago. When it was still able to play smoothly. (*sob*) I also need to get Ten again. Pearl Jam? I can't find it anywhere. Jordan thought the one stuck between her desk and the wall at her house was mine, but I guess it turned out to be hers? In that case my dad probably took it. So kind he very kind. And then he bitches when I take HIS CDs. I mean they have a good home with me. He just leaves them out of the cases and piles them on top of one another and sits on them and's atrocious. Ow I feel sic. Once again...I should work on my art project. In fact I think I shall in a few minutes. It needs to get finish-ed. Poor little project...but she happened to give me one of the hardest pictures...I think she did that on purpose. It's so horribly detailed. I finished the rough draft (so to speak) and now I get to COLOR!!! yay. I have almost never colored. So I guess I'll learn? Sigh...this should be interesting. But at least I'm only in Art 1A so I can use that as my excuse. Gah...I just found a bunch of pictures that I saved on this computer like...a long time ago. Of somebody that I would rather not think about...this sucks lol. *delete* *delete delete delete* Jordan knows who I'm talking about...*puts imaginary blunt to mouth* Lol. But not really. sigh...But yay tomorrow is like Friday but then it's not? Coolness. Vay-cay-shun = no school. I be happy.
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