
Feeling: amused
It's Saturday but it feels like it should be Tuesday by now. I feel like I've been out of school for longer than I really have been. (I have a headache) Today Mogli (my dog) woke me up around 9 ish in the mourning because he wanted to go outside. I went to sleep around 1 a.m. so I didn't feel like I had gotten enough sleep. Especially because for the last two nights I've been sleeping with my contact lenses on. So ow now my head hurts and so do my eyes. My mom is still wherever she is...I'm not completely sure. She wouldn't tell me where she was going. I'm guessing she went to be with her boyfriend...go figure. My dad and brother are in Cal City and Jawbone dirtbiking with some friends. They wanted me to go with them (actually my brother didn't...) but I didn't really want to. Every time I go I only end up cleaning the motorhome and watching the little kids while the guys all go riding. Not really I wanted to stay home this time. I think I already mentioned this in another entry? But yea I'm still here home alone. I don't's nice and quiet. Jordan showed me this site (actually I'd been to it already) where artists can post their work and stuff...looking at it makes you feel totally inferior about your artwork. But she showed me this series somebody did of the 7 deadly sins...and guess which one she showed me first. Just guess. (vanity. as if it weren't obvious enough lol) Some of these people have obviously been doing art for like...centuries. They are waaaay ahead of me. But some of it was really lame so it made me feel more betta. Heh. How sad... But speaking of art...I finally started coloring my graph project for stupid Gapper's class. I made the mistake of leaving it alone, unattended on the kitchen table for more than five seconds and my IDIOT cat spilled water ALL OVER IT. You can't imagine how pissed I was/am. I worked soooo hard on that thing. Well actually it's just that it took so damned long to finish every. single. detail. on that blasted picture. I've been talking to Theron since 2:11 (lol). He decided he finally wants to get serious about starting a band. It's gonna be industrial/electro/metal and I think it's called Evolutionary Sequence. We were thinking for hours about what to name it. I didn't come up with any ideas...mostly I just screwed around on the random band name generators on the internet. Ha...good for nothing. But those things are fun, ok? Yes. But he finally came up with the name so I think it's gonna stay. Unless of course there's another one with the same name...then I dunno what. But he's the only official member. I am a semi-official member. Special-ness. Considering I can't play any instruments I think it's funny that I even made it to that title....but oh well. I shall learn? Unless I end up having absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. Then I will be a groupie. Yes. But for now I'm supplying the keyboard so I'm cool. It's cute actually...Theron is like sooo excited about this whole band thing. And he came up with it what...11 hours ago? Lol. (And yes of course it's 11 hours. I didn't even mean to do that. From 2 to 1 a.m.) But it's funny how serious he is about the whole thing. I hope it works out...he seems very happy about it. 1:12. Dammit. I feel gross. I haven't done my makeup or anything in like....24 hours. If not more. And I've pretty much been sitting here most of the day. I didn't eat...I like forgot? Actually I made food earlier but then decided I wasn't hungry and got distracted by the computer and yeah...didn't eat. Oh well. *yawn* getting tired... In fact, I am quite tired. And I can't think of anything else to write on here. And my eyes hurt from contact-ness. So to sleep I go...
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