Ok wtf is wrong with meeeee.....?

Feeling: ecstatic
Mwaha. I'm back. In black? But I'm wearing blue too....hmm...but I haven't been on in quite some time. And now I'm back. Yes. I'm somewhat concerned about myself...as there is almost no one else here to be concerned about me...for me...? Yeah whatever...but I've been acting strangely lately. I will explain later in this entry. Saturday Jordan and Brett and "Brown Guy" and Jess-ay came to kidnap me. They were soooo evil...I had almost no warning that they were coming, especially that they were gonna take me with them? But yeah I looked like shit basically but they almost literally carried me out of the house anyway. Blah. So we went to get adult beverages etc. and then made our way over to Roland's apartment to indulge ourselves in Empire Records. But Jordass's parents went home and she wasn't there and they were piss-ed so we had to go home.... :( And by then I had downed 2 Smirnoff thingies after not eating anything all day and was feeling it...but Jesse took us to Jordan's house. I think I saved her from being grounded because I had to stay there to wait for my dad, who never ended up coming to pick me up, and her parents aren't usually mad at her when I'm there. So yeah. I saved thee dhey!!! Umm...oh! Stupid Brett. He called at ONE IN THE EFFING MORNING THE BASTARD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Heh. But the next day was Theron's birthday so I had to go home and get ready, of course. But then my dad had a bunch of dirtbiking dudes come over so I had to hurry my ass up and get ready and ended up being like...an hour late to Theron's. It sucked. But I got him a CD and Karlyna got him this kickass musical thing-ay and all was cool. I totally owned at this nintendo game whatever it was that we were playing. I just pressed random buttons...yesss... Then we saw Underworld: Evolution. Which was way kickass. In fact I'm pretty sure I liked it more than the first one, but they're different. I could just follow this one easier. Then....the day ended. Oh boy. Exciting. We all went home. Hmm...then the next day I went to school. As it was Monday. Yes. And....Theron asked me out at lunch. It was really funny...he acted like he expected me to totally reject him or something. After I said yes he was like...wow. That was really easy...lol. So yeah we've been going out for like a week? Amazing. I'm really not used to that...I'm probably a horrible girlfriend (is that what I am? I do not know...). But yeah...I probably suck. I have no idea how to act around guys. Especially him. But yeah...maybe that will change? I hope? So on Friday night Jordan and Brett (her boyfriend mwahaha) and Theron and I went to Ventura as like a date-thing. But stupidass SCOTT was doing a reading when we got there and we came back later and he was still busy so we went to go eat and he was GONE. That has never ever happened before. Ever. Very queer. Hmm...so no reading for Jordass that evening I'm afraid... Umm...hmm...then we went to the beach and did some stuff and yeah...my mom came to get us...and we left... On Saturday, though...this is when I start talking about how I'm concerned about myself. I woke up and I was really REALLY depressed. Not the normal meh feeling...I was like....suicidal practically. It was horrible. So I went into my room and found my stash of Excedrin P.M. (I had to have a stash since last time I was depressed I took a bunch and freaked my mom out because I was like...asleep for hours and hours and hours and then she hid them...) But I took 3 (all I could find) around um...11:30 a.m. (ish). So I fell asleep around 12 maybe. In the afternoon. I woke up around 6:45 and was totally confused...so I went back to sleep and I woke up this morning around 8 or 9 or something. So yeah...I slept for a LONGass time. So then I woke up, right? And I was in like...a TOTALLY happy mood. I mean, I haven't been this extremely happy in...ever? It was really really weird. I mean yesterday I was ready to like...die...and now today I'm insanely energetic and...weird. So yeah I'm concerned. Somewhat. Heh...poor Theron. He probably thinks I'm ignoring him. But obviously I didn't talk to him yesterday because I was sleeping all day. Not even exaggerating. All day. And today I've been outside and stuff...neglecting the poor boy. Ah well...mebbe I'll see him later or at the very least at school tomorrow? Like I said...I suck. Oh god...I have homework...shit shit shit shit shit..... End-ness.
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