I stole this from Jordan who stole it from Care and god know

Feeling: gloomy
A vicious cycle of thievery, it is..... 1. Do you still talk with the first person you kissed? Ha. No. He plays football for Valencia so 'ell no. 2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. 3. What did you do when you weren't in school in the 2nd grade? Like.....I knew everyone on my street so we were always outside together and stuff....either that or TV. 4. What is the best thing about your job? Uhh don't have one....but I should probably get one? Yeah....probably.... 5. Do you like more than one person right now? If I say yes will I be in trouble? 6. Are you against same sex marriage? Pfft...I don't care. It doesn't hurt anybody..... 7. Did you vote for Bush? I'm like.......not 18......and I don't really care. 8. Where are you going on your next vacation? savannah i think 9. Have you had sex with any of your top 8? Hahaha no. 10. Are most of your friends guys or girls? Girls probably.....yeah. 11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? I don't think so.............no. 12. Last book you read? Hmm...Oh. Night for Geoff's class. 13. If you could have one super power what would it be? Mind reading. GOD how many times that would have come in handy...... 14. Where have you lived most of your life? Santa Clarita 16. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? Hmm.......rich. lol 17. What's your favorite smell? I dunno. But the stuff that girl in Maggie's class was wearing today smelled soooooooo good. 18. What is your favorite sound? I dunno. The sound my phone makes when I get a text is cool.... 19. Are you moody? Yeah pretty much... 20. Favorite movie of all time? gah too many <--- yeah. 21. Have you ever done anything hurtful to a classmate? Of course. 22. Have you ever gone to therapy? Yep. Didn't work. 23. Have you ever played spin the bottle? Yeah....like forever ago. 24. Have you ever toilet papered someones house? haha shyeah 25. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Of course. 26. Have you ever gone camping? Many times 27. Have you ever had a crush on your brother's friend? Hahahahaha whoa...actually I did..... He was NOT my brother's age. Eww. 28. Have you ever gone to a nude beach? nope can't say i have... 29. Have you ever gone streaking? Ack no 30. Have you ever had a stalker? Heh heh.....yes. 31. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no 32. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yeah but hardly ever.....I think I have the inability to cry, actually. lol. 33. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober person? Hmmm.........no. Well wait....maybe. 34. Do you want kids? probably not 35. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend? Probably? 36. Have you ever lied to your parents? no shit 37. Have you ever been out of the US? Yep 38. Have you ever thrown up from working out? hahaha yeeaahhhhh that'll teach miss lord to think i wasn't working hard enough.... <----- I REMEMBER THAT lol 39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat? Nah. Well it was pretty bad when I was younger but I was too fucking stupid to wear a hat. Not that it would have helped much...I looked like a tard no matter what. 40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in the same day? Not that I recall.... 41. Last song you listened to? "Red, Red Wine" -Bob Marley 42. Have you ever spied on someone? Pshh...yes. 43. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers? Yeah I do that all the time. 44. What do you think of the person who posted this survey? She's a fag. 45. Who was the last person who called you? Like...my mom or something... 46. When was the last time you slept for more than 12 hours straight? I forget. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately. Too much work.... 47. Have you ever been arrested? Nah 48. Have you ever stolen anything? Probably. 49. Have you ever drank egg nog? That shit is sick. 50. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? Ok I'm not answering this....I'll get in trouble....
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