Art Show

Another Career Day. Boring-ness. The first one I went to was the same as like.....most of the others. The same thing. People coming in and telling us to get our asses over to COC and take classes there so we don't become complete and utter failures. We got the same information, same sheets, just a different person each time. Bleh. Good thing my art teacher Mary asked me if I wanted to stay in her class instead of going to another presentation. That was cool. I got to just work on art. She told me she wanted me to go and submit some of my artwork to this show and contest that they're having at Barnes & Noble. You can submit one piece with teacher recommendation and, if you're a senior, you can possibly get scholarships to art schools. Lame that I'm not a senior, but there will be press coverage and it'll be on TV so if I win I'll be in like the paper and on TV and stuff. And it'll be something else I can put on my resumee (resume? shit I dunno...) so...good. I'm submitting my latest piece (The one with Cristina Scabbia lying down. My teacher said I should do that one.)But the thing was that I had to have it ready on Monday for her to send it in. So I got home from school and told my mom and luckily she knows this professional framer dude that does work with her interior designer friends so he's going to do it for me by Monday. So it'll be professionally framed and will look oh so nice. I think I'm going to give it to Ron for his 50th birthday, too, since he's wanted one of my original pieces for a while. Especially if it wins. Then that would be cool. But oh well we'll see what happens. I have to go to the reception, also, which is next Saturday. Should be interesting... Hmm...nothing much else happened today. I have to start thinking about the next art project I'm going to do. Gapper emailed me and said she still wants me to submit a still life to Ryman, so I have to think of something to do for that... The thing is, I know lots of other talented people will be sending in their art pieces. But I want to think of something that will stand out from the other standard fruit bowl still life drawings that I'm sure they'll receive. Meh...I'll think about it. Wow. That was really...boring. Lol. Oh well. Not much else happened. The end.
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