Tuesday's Events

Yesterday. We shopped. And we shopped. And we shopped. And then....we died. Actually no we didn't. But I felt almost like I wanted to when we were done. And I didn't even get a lot done. Damn... But Jordan and Theron and I met Brandon and Karlyna at Ihop yesterday morning. Breakfast Club. But a few people couldn't make it so it wasn't anything special...Jordan was kinda fighting with Brandon and Karlyna, too, so it wasn't that great. I guess I'm really oblivious...I didn't really notice how Jordan said they were acting or whatever....I dunno. But we ended up taking the bus to the mall and Brandon and Karlyna went and did their own thing and we did our shopping separately. I went to New York & Co. for the first time ever. It was not that bad...I mean I could only find one thing that I would wear there pretty much, which was this cool black shirt. I bought it. Totally. Then we went to Victoria's Secret and I got my mom some more Amber Romance body spray stuff...she like loves that stuff. As do I, so I will certainly steal some. As I always do. Heh. Theron got the same stuff for his mom, but in this little purse package thing-ay. I offered to pay him a dollar if he walked around with the purse all day. Sadly, he declined... Then we went to the Gap. It was very...colorful. And expensive. Oh god was it expensive...but they have cool jeans there. One pair I liked a lot, but I didn't try on any because I didn't think we were gonna be there as long as we were. Jordan ended up buying this $100 outfit. $40 for a sweater. Amazing. Ha. Then we went into Banana Republic, which is totally Theron's favorite store. They were like waaaay worse than Gap as far as prices went...I almost cried. Not really. But it was ridiculous how expensive they were. But then again Theron and I are "cheap" and shop at Hot Topic and other lowly stores like that so we don't understand why these clothes are so fucking expensive and why people feel the need to buy them...oh well. I'm poor so I'm sticking to cheap shit. Hells yes. We got bored at the regular mall and then my dad called and offered to take us to the Citadel Outlets, which is that big place that you can see from the freeway that looks like a castle. NOTHING INSIDE RESEMBLED A CASTLE AT ALL. I was sad. But by the time we finally got there it was dark and all of the stores looked really cheap inside from the lighting. I mean, during the day they probably look totally different because of the natural lighting and stuff. But at night everything looks like Old Navy or some shit and it's a total turnoff or whatever. So we didn't do much shopping. The funny part was when we were in the Vans store (I think that's where we were) and Jordan was giving Theron shit about wanting to try on some slip-on Vans. The checkered type...but he didn't want the checkered ones, just to try them on because they were the same style as the ones he really wanted. And Jordan was like oh everyone has those shoes...you can't get them. And what shoes was she wearing? Converse. I'm sure she's the only one with Converse on the planet, too. I mean, you never see those shoes ANYWHERE lol. Don't get mad at me, Jordan...it was funny. You must admit... But earlier that day Jordan went and got new Converse from Toxic at our mall. They didn't have her exact size, so she had to get one size bigger. Then we went to Borders to look at books to buy and stuff (lighting is really bad in there too) and Jordan took her shoes out to look at them and it turns out the idiot that worked at Toxic gave her a size 6 and a size 8. And they were both left shoes...amazing how incredibly intelligent some people are. ------------------------------------------- (Ha. I went to post this yesterday and my computer was being stupid so I saved it on Word and forgot to post it...so I shall now. I don't think I was finished but oh well.) The end.
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