
Feeling: torn
Today pretty much sucked. For the most part. I woke up at 7:30, which is when I'm supposed to be leaving to go to school...so needless to say I was late. And Stradling told me that I had to stop being late because it is going to affect my grade and yeah. That. And then we had classes blah blah same shit as every other day basically. I hate my Government class, I managed to get the canvases for Theron so hopefully that made him happy, then in art I had to have my picture taken to be in the school paper thing or whatever so Gapper had to get all into that as well. I thought it would just be a candid shot of me working at my desk or something but no....Gapper couldn't leave it at that. She had me take a bunch of my artwork out and she taped it to an easel where I was supposed to be working on a still-life that I did over the weekend. So I probably am going to end up looking like a complete idiot like I'm full of myself or something. But then whatever....what's new, right? Eh. Then we started watching Tommy Boy in Linam's class, which was amusing. Then aerobics which wasn't too bad. Then Jordan's dad came and got us and we went to Aaron Bros. to find a portfolio and paper and such for Jordan and then we went to Telly's and then we came here to Jordan's. Exciting. But I had to leave at 3 to go to this meeting that my mom planned to have with our 'family'. Which.......didn't work out. To put it lightly. We had to pick my brother up at school before we went to my dad's office because my dad's car apparently won't start....BIG surprise. So Steve wouldn't get in the car but my mom didn't notice because she was too fucking busy talking to her boyfriend and trying to figure out his problems and I'm sitting there like....Mom...your son is having issues right now and you aren't even paying attention...hello... So she eventually got off the phone and got him to get into the car and we went to my dad's. Steve immediately went to the computer and refused to talk to either me or my mom. And then when my dad tried to get him to go into the conference room where we were going to talk he refused to and tried to walk out. So my dad was standing there yelling at my brother and my mom was looking pissed off so I just listened to Zeppelin on my iPod...tuned them out. They piss me off. Then my mom and I went into the room to wait for my dad and brother and we could still hear them yelling so my mom was like FUCKING GOD DAMMIT I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. I'M LEAVING. So she went out and they yelled a little more and she got into the car quickly...I barely made it. Then of course she started in on me about how irresponsible I am (dude I'm now the only person in my family with a job ahem...) and how messy our house is all the time (our house is messy to her but then she has a mental problem or something because it really is not that bad and I'm not usually the one to make the messes, anyway. My brother and dad come over and do that.) and how she has to drive me everywhere (school, work, but I'm trying to get my license. It's not as if I enjoy being around my mother or anything. I would really rather drive myself.) and how when I'm 18 she won't drive me anywhere else anymore and I'll have to take the bus and start paying her to live in our house (what the fuck) and such. it was just like.......super-stressful. She used the excuse that she wasn't comfortable in our "messy" house to explain why she no longer came home anymore. Yeah, ok. I told her that I really didn't care if she didn't come home anymore. But yeah she threatened to kick me out to live with my dad if I didn't like...I dunno...clean up or something? I was kinda tuning out the bullshit by this time so I didn't completely get what point she was attempting to make. Whatever it was it was probably stupid. Oh well. I'm back at Jordan's now. It's not like I could have stayed at my dad's since my brother hates me now and my dad won't want me around them 'starting trouble' or whatever they say I do so screw them. And my mom had to go to Glendale and then after she'll probably go to Ron's...wait not probably....ok she'll be going to Ron's so she won't be home. Big fucking surprise. Ugh. I'm tired. (and yes today is Wednesday)
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