I have no idea what to put here...

Feeling: alright
I went to school. I was almost late. But Gapper was also late so it didn't matter. Thank god...next time I'm late I get fined! Bad... Oh yeah. Jordan is fighting with Brandon. That is what has been happening pretty much. Um...ok yeah. Yesterday morning I got to school ON TIME (amazing) and I was looking to see if anybody was there that early. I don't know, as I usually get to school like..as the bell is ringing. Or late. So the one time I'm on time, Jordan and Brandon are fighting through first period. I guess I walked right by them and yet I didn't see them? I must be blind...but I thought it was weird considering that I don't ever get there on time. Not usually. But she has been wanting to talk to him about their um...relationship I guess you could call it. About where they stand and so on...So she wrote him a message and sent it via Myspace. He read it, but the next day (yesterday) he acted like nothing had happened. It was really long and had lots of important things in it so I dunno if he was pretending or what. But he's mad at Jordan for some reason. Nobody knows exactly why. She asked him what she did to make him act the way he's been acting toward her for a while (he's been cold and distant she says) and, when she talked to him about it, he told her to go away basically. She wouldn't go away, however, and she wouldn't let him escape either. So they both missed 1st period. She did most of the talking and in the end he said that he would go back to her as soon as he sorted out all of his problems. He has told her quite a few times that he doesn't want a relationship right now. But she doesn't seem to listen very well...oh well. She'll just have to wait... But anyway...a narc at our school saw Jordan crying after Brandon left to go to class, and asked her what was wrong. She said she just needed somebody to talk to I guess, so they both went to get me and take me out of class. Thank god I was in Gapper's class and missed half the period thanks to Jordan. That was awesome... She was freaking out (naturally) but after a few minutes she calmed down... The rest is pretty much like this: I missed half my class, she told me about the argument, she wanted to go home but couldn't get a ride, the rest was a normal day. Ok. So back to today. Normal day. Theron found me at brunch, which is usually really boring, as I have a different brunch than most of my friends. That always seems to happen to me... I got diet Dr. Pepper. Yess...I went to English. We talked about transcendentalism or whatever it is...and nature. Yes. Nature. I saw Jordan on my way to Psychology and just guess what she was thinking about...heh In Psychology we talked about children getting erotic pleasure from going to the bathroom, etc. A disturbing conversation. Lunch. I went up to our area and Brandon was there with his little It...thing. But Theron saved me just in time. I was almost at the point of barfing when he came to get me and bring me back to Gapper's room. (Oh boy. Gapper) But better than thee froAG. I was extremely talkative today and I probably was annoying them while they were trying to work on their projects but what can I say? I had soda at brunch and 4th period so I was hyper-ish. Oh well...better than being extremely shy and quiet, like I am a lot of the time. I finished the spaghetti in my grid drawing. It looked kinda lame but oh well. Next I get to color it! Yay... After lunch I went to French and we had a sub. Again. Then History. And now I'm here. At my dad's office. Bored out of my mind. As usual?
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