Shit shit shit shit....shit?

Feeling: sluggish
That '70s Show ended today :( I've gotten addicted to it over the past month or so. BUT.....I have a lot of catching up to do with it still, so that will keep me occupied for quite some time. So it's not like I'm gonna run out of episodes to watch anytime soon. Heh. I hung out with Theron and Crapet today. After school. We went to the mall and they ate and then we looked for a shirt for Karlyna to wear to school tomorrow since she was staying at her grandparents' that night and didn't have anything to wear. But yeah we didn't find anything and went on the bus to Del Taco. Theron wanted to get an application to work there since Hilary works there, too. That would be cool. But they were out of applications. Bleh. Then we had to run to catch the next bus and we were going to go to Goodwill but we were lazy and didn't go and just went back to her grandparents' house. Then we played with instruments for a while. Well not me, them. I watched. And then Karlyna's phone rang and it was Theron's mom calling him. And then he was talking to her and there was a call on the other line. So Karlyna switched over and was like Hello? And the person on the other line was like quiet for a while at first and then started saying weird shit in like another language or something so Karlyna was like What the fuck who the hell are you I have somebody on the other line what the fuck are you trying to say ok I'm hanging up on you goodbye. And apparently.......................her cell phone got messed up somehow and put Theron's mom back on the line in the middle of her saying all that. So she was really REALLY pissed off. Because she thought that Karlyna was cussing her out for reason? So she came and picked Theron up early and was really mad. But Karlyna called later and apologized for everything and yeah. Embarrassing lol. And then she remembered that she had a term paper due and shit so I had my mom come get me and now I'm here. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that's basically It. Yes. It. Friday tomorrow. And I have to find something "nice" to wear on Saturday. Fuck.
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