Oh ho ho it's magic..........

01. Your name plus "y." Samantha-y? 02. Two feelings at the moment? tired-ish. and frustrated. 03. What are you listening to right now? nothing at the moment 04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? my god what have we done to you? 05. Describe where you are right now? in the kitchen. the internet connection thing died in the office so i'm in here... 06. The highlight of your week? being away from where i live. and being with my friends... 07. What are you hungry for right now? salad. and i will obtain some... 08. Any good childhood memories? not really...no 09. A not-so-good childhood memory? yes i have some 10. What are your nicknames? sam...samanthass...samantha dahling...heartless bitch... 11. Plans for tomorrow? sleeping in. unlike today. fucking saturday school...bullshit...i dunno what else. waking up i suppose. 12. Your three plans for today? obtaining salad. then i dunno what... 13. Are you thinking of someone right now? of course. 14. Favorite colors? black, grey... 15. Are you single? nope 16. Say something to the person who posted this before you. umm...no. 17. What do you want? money. that's what i want. (fuck now that song is stuck...and i'm thinking about empire records...lol) 18. Fill in the blank: It's a great day to _______ oh god that reminds me of that stupid cuntry song my mom played over and over and over and over....now THAT'S stuck in my head. fuck this... 19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers. no. 20. Are you feeling hungry right now? i said...yes... 21. Say something to the person you are crushing on: he's not online...so does it matter? i miss you... 22. Last friend you talked to online? jordan probably...no. wait. theron. 23. Last time you had spaghetti? um...i don't remember? 24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see? what...? 25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? an artist. then a vet. then a racecar driver. i forget what else. 26. Last gift? umm...hmm...i dunno... 28. Did you like it? probably? lol... 29. Do you play an instrument? no. i suck. 30. What song did you last hear? some lame rap song that this kid was listening to next to me in saturday school. eww. 31. Good luck charm? no? 32. Person you hate most: ha. person. umm...too many. 33. Who makes you laugh the most? lots of people? 34. What makes you smile? i don't know... 35. What do you like about the night? it's dark. duh. and umm...colder. just better i guess...
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