Every 15 Minutes

Listening to: Bile - In League
Feeling: tickled
Today and tomorrow there’s some weird thing at our school called “Every Fifteen Minutes.” I guess it’s made to try to get kids to stop drinking and driving by messing with their emotions and stuff. Way fun. Today was the day that they set up a pretend car accident and used students from our school as the people that were killed or injured. Some were the drunk drivers. Mostly it was just popular people, which was pretty lame. Actually I had fun watching them die. Abigail Thompson? Oh man…that was classic. But Mikael and Ally and Dwayne died, which was strange…they walked around the school wearing this weird-ass white makeup to look all dead and shit. They even acted dead. Like…ok. Myspace is being lame and isn’t letting me sign back in. Well it is, but it’s being extremely slow. Pissing me off. But what got me is that people were supposedly killed at 10 in the morning by drunk drivers. Um…who gets drunk and drives that early? You would have to get up and start drinking at like…6? Riiight…and there were some killed earlier too…oh well. I told Jordan to meet me over by the ZT buildings. She never showed up (*sniff*) jk…she “wanted to get a front row seat as she is *this tall*” Oh well…suit yourself lol. But I found Theron over by where I was supposed to meet Jordan and we went to look for her, not knowing she was already over there, but a narc saw us going in the opposite direction and like…followed us to make sure we were going over to where the assembly thing was. I swear to god the women at our school are such bitches…well a lot of them are at least. Myspace is still taking forever to let me in. Gah. Damn that Tom fellow. And dial-up. But yea today was the accident thing. Tomorrow is the real thing…the actual emotional day. Many will cry. I will most likely laugh. In fact, I know I will. I mean it sucks that people get killed by drunk drivers, but the way our school portrays things, it looks comical almost. All these idiots running around crying because their fragile little minds couldn’t handle the drama and well…reality of it all? Oh well. The world needs idiots I suppose. Hopefully this time we can actually go to Ventura this weekend. In fact, I think we definitely are going. My mom’s new boyfriend Ron is going with us so my mom will have something to do while we’re out there. I mean….to hang out with. Yes. Yes that’s what I meant. Larry should be in a good mood if he sees them together. I hope there will be no guns handy…or Ron is a dead man. Just imagine…two men duking it out for my mother. And then other random men start jumping into the fight once they see her. I wouldn’t be surprised. At all. But yes Ventura….finally. Gah. I need to wash my hair. It sucks…it looked really good on Tuesday and lots of people complimented me on it and stuff. Tuesday and Wednesday. But Wednesday was a total waste considering in was in OR all fucking day…blast. (Microsoft Word is telling me to use the word well instead of good in the above sentence. Stupid computer…it also says “gah” is not a word. Viruses…) I…can’t think of anything else to write for now. But if I think of anything else I’ll update?
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