
Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Feeling: sluggish
Ok well at least today was slightly more interesting.... My dad picked my brother up earlier to have lunch because I was still sleeping at that point....I stayed up until like 4 in the morning watching Never Been Kissed since I had never seen the entire thing...so yeah I was sleeping. But I got some peace without my brother bothering me. Then a few hours ago he came to pick me up and we went to this Mexican restaurant that we used to always go to and then Amoeba Music. I got the Sublime Gold Best Of CD and Red Hot Chili Peppers (Best Of, also). Steve got the first season of the Man Show. He's watching it right now. It's........interesting. Definitely. I know my mom would HATE it. Like...if she ever sees it...she's gonna flip lol. Which should be funny to see... So now I'm watching parts of the Man Show and downloading the CDs I just got onto my iPod and talking to peoples on VF. Everyone wants me to draw for them. I have Brenda, our old neighbor, who wants me to draw a picture of her daughter who just graduated, and my uncle's girlfriend wants me to draw my cousin and my mom wanted me to do a picture of her and then I have Nick, who wants me to draw a picture of him with one of his dance partners, and then this girl on VF said I should draw people in Supreme Beauty.....lucky for me it's summer and I have time to do these things. I just don't know if I....can? Meh...oh well. I'll figure it out. I'm tired for now.....hmm probably because it's almost 1 in the morning now. (ahahahaha a guy from Valencia was just on the Man Show. coolness.)
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