Alphabet Survey

Feeling: excited
A - AGE: 17 B - BAND LISTENING TO MOST RECENTLY: Reel Big Fish C - CRUSH: No one really, but Ben still I guess. D - DAD'S NAME: Tom E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Rachel, Sam, and Charlotte F - FAVORITE BAND: Reel Big Fish G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: Both! H - HOMETOWN: Roscommon I - INSTRUMENT: None J - JUICE: Orange Juice K - KIDS: Don't want any L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Rosco to Copper Harbor M - MOM'S NAME: Wilma N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 O - ONE WISH: A super hot boytoy lol P - PHOBIAS?: Spiders Q - QUOTE: "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity" "That's why they're called crushes - if they were easier, they'd be called something else." "If you're going to go down in flames you might as well hit something big" R - REASON TO SMILE: All my friends, music, lots of stuff! S - SOMETHING YOU REGRET: Nothing I can think of. T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: 6:30 U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: "I am secretly really sexy, I just hide it from the world so I don't have to deal with the curse of beauty." - I love Rachel's answer! V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Um...none...I love veggies! W - WORST HABIT: Not sleeping or eating when I should X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 6 Y - YUMMY FOOD: Umm...all food? Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces
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fuck you.
You know what? I thought that you were a pretty decent person, but to have listened to everyone else's side and not mine was pretty rude. I was planning on talking to Christine and Steve to further explain myself. I didn't want Christine or Mike to see the note because I wanted to talk to them MYSELF -- before Steve had the chance to make the situation bigger than it needed to be. I have had no prior problems with you so I hope that any--
--(I was cut off, sorry) so, I hope that any possibility of a friendship between us isn't hurt because of a stupid note that was taken the wrong way. If you would like to talk to me personally to understand this better, call me or come and find me at school. I would really appreciate it if you would hear me out instead of going off from some note--which doesn't exactly clarify what I was intending to. I hope that you know that I wasn't trying to-
--I was NOT trying to ruin Steve and Christine's relationship, or Mike and mine's. That is the last thing that was on my mind. I hope that you have a good enough idea of what type of person that I am to understand thing. I was going to find Christine and Steve, both, and talk to them, but my sister's water broke and we had to go to the hospital. Anyways, I hope that you understand. Thanks.
(By the way, I did not leave that anonymous note. I know who did, but I promise that it was not me. Had it been me, I would have just signed my name.) This is so you don't just assume that it's me.