Summer Reading

Feeling: hot
The Vampire Chronicles - Anne Rice Interview with the Vampire (I read this one) The Vampire Lestat The Queen of the Damned The Tale of the Body Thief Memnoch the Devil The Vampire Armand Merrick Blood and Gold Blackwood Farm Blood Canticle Dante's Inferno - Dante Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained - John Milton War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald (AP Eng) Into the Wild - Krakauer (AP Eng) The Importance of Being Ernest - Oscar Wilde Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling (comes out June 16th!!) Eldest - Christopher Paolini Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis (nope, never read them) The Magician's Nephew The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The Horse and His Boy Prince Caspian Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader' The Silver Chair The Last Battle Well, I think that'll last me for awhile; I'll add more as I think of or read them. What do you think Miss Young? This entry's for you. :) 26 books - should last me at least into late July (for all those who don't know I read really quickly. Don't know why, I just always have, but I'm not skimming, I really read it all). If any of my friends have any of these books that I can borrow, that would be killer, because I don't want to buy them all and I don't think the Bookworm would have some of them. Just leave a comment. Thanks! That's it, I've gotta go start reading! It's too hot to do anything else. :) Later!
Read 2 comments

Whoa, girl! That's quite a list! Very cool selections, though. I had no idea you like the dark stories (vampires, etc.) so much. What do you think is the main appeal of them? I know they are popular.

Dante's Inferno is amazing. Try to get the version with the pencil sketches. I'll let you know what version that is. Into the Wild is one of my favorite non-fiction reads. You will tear through that one.

Keep me posted!'re gonna tell me what we need to read for AP English so I can see if I have any of it, right? Because you love me, right? Hahaha.

Anyway, I think I might have some of it. I have the Inferno (it's my favorite of all time) but not the pencil sketched one. It does have some interesting footnotes, though. Chronicles of Narnia I'd need to find, because I hid them after I read them so I wouldn't keep reading.
Well, running outta space.