On sunday i talked to benji, it was so cool! He sounds so hot on the phone, hehe, and it was better than the last tim ei called. We talked like for 15 minutes. He doesn’t has computer at his mom’s, and that sux cuz I miss him a lot, but anyways its better talking on the phone. And u know, the best thing was when he told me he loved me, cuz he had said that a lot, but listening him saying it, it made me feel so good, im still happy. I know im pathetic, but I don’t care what u fucking think about me!! Hahaha.
I called him from the beach cuz I was there with my friend, an di hate the sun and stuff but after all it was fun, I just had to wear sunblock, lol. Im going there next saturday and im staying for a week. Im not very exited, but my friend begged me to go, so im going, and besides u can party at night and get some alcohol, lol.
Anyways, im just so happy 4 talking to him, hes the best thing in the world…
i wrote this poem, it makes me think of benji:
my whole world crumbles when you’re not around,
how can I live when there’s not a fucking sound.
my life is wounded, so my heart
come here and plz fix it, I need you so bad.
my tears burn, my blodd flows
I cant stand your distance, my knees are blown.
I die each day, let my soul to sleep,
Let’s face it, we seem closer in our dreams.
I call u from my memory, your picture is framed,
I hang u in my wall, 4 ever to stay.
My days I cant stand them, the seconds they kill,
Your overwhelming absence is making me ill.
Can you come here tonight? Or, are u already here?
I know babe that u live with me.
I close my eyes, the day is ending,
I see your face in my sky of stars pending…