
Listening to: Trash by Korn
Feeling: amused
OMG I DID IT!!!! i found it. i have to talk in code, or someone might find out. but i did it!!!i know her new diary, finally. i found it by accident too. the person is having problems, i feel bad i cant help her. i havent cut in a MONTH!!!! im so proud of myself. like i want to so bad but i wont. i promised a special person i wouldnt. ive been down lately, crying all night. i miss cameron, i think hes the really think he was the one. i only broke up with him cuz....i was ....afraid i was falling in love, ok everyone, thats the REAL reason.but i doesnt matter now cuz i lost him.well thats all i got to say, judge me as you will.
Read 3 comments
nice try cortney, but its not hard to figure out when you fuckin leave me comments on it.

oh well... you didnt find my main one anyway, so i dont care. i can just move the entries.
u'll never find any of us u do no that so have fun trying 2 figure out who's who
congrats on the one month! i havent done it in a month also. i promised my new guy that i wouldnt nemore. the funny thing is once me and my ex broke up , i wasnt depressed anymore. lol. neways. i hope u keep it up. ttyl. byez