
Feeling: abandoned
OK SO HERE IT IS....this is my list. if your on it and dont agree with what i say, leave a comment and tell it like it is. SAM L.-wont talk to me, hates me, likes brandi. SAM P.-doesnt really care. ALEX-new girlfriend, hates me now ANDY-never liked me, used me, hopes i die BRIAN-lier, backstabber, hates me, used me, hopes i die, doesnt really care. BRANDI-never really cared, doesnt miss me, hopes i die. BARRY-loner, hates me, doesnt care. PAIGE-sick of my shit, cant stand me, hopes i die as well. STEPH-hates me, sick of me, thinks im a slut. POKIE-slowly pushing away, hates me SPAZ-hates me, pushing me away, sick of my shit. CORY- used me, new girlfriend, hates me, left me. NATE-doesnt really like me or even care. SARAH-doesnt even know me, hates me CORTNEY-ALONE FOREVER AND ALWAYS, GONNA KILL HERSELF.
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i thaught my life was shit.