WOOO, sitdiarys working again!!!! well heres what you missed over the past month. me and mikey are through [yay] and im with joseph cruz, he is wonderful. there has been some issues but we are doing good and i have high hopes for this. the 13th will make a month for us.
i got suspended for 3 days for going to school shit faced one day and some bitch ratted me and matt out, i got grounded for a month but my dad lost track so im un-grounded now.
work still sucks!!!
Before i was with joe, i had sex with seth, it was pretty amazing but he soon screwed me over. he was gonna ditch me at prom for a 9th grader, EWWW. so i didnt talk to him for 3 weeks. kyle kicked him out of the house and hes back at home. me and kyle arent really freinds anymore so im back chillin with my seth [who no longer loves me though] or so he says, lol.
culinary reached its boiling point, we all were screaming at eachother and about to rip eachothers heads off. then i got an email from one girl and sent a nasty one back...they took me down to jangles and we had to work all the shit out. now we are all friends again and had fun in new york on the 6th.
ive posted more poetry and chapter 2 of my story on my other diarys so please check them out!!!! and check me out on myspace www.myspace.com/dope_bitch . until next we meet, PeAcE!!!!
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