
Feeling: down
I THINK THE CUTTING HAS STOPPED, finally. coreys in aruba, i miss him. hes on vacation. bad news though, bout me and him, a guy im crazy about wants me too. his name is josh, hes from quaboag.hes so strong and hot and nice and freaky, hes perfect for me. and he LIKES me!!!!what do i do? do i cheat, do i break it off with corey or do i just ignore josh? i truley dont know. im home all alone right now, it sucks. theres like no one on. i will find brandis sn and sams too. i miss them more and more eachday. what ever happened to what we had, how could we ever hate eachother, how could they hate me? they dont even know the REAL me, the side i never, i mean ever show. so do i show it? or do i live with the fact that someone i love hates me? well thats it, judge me as you will.
Read 2 comments
will u ever stop cutting it's been what a week maybe 2 so maybe u should wait until u haven't cut for bout a month before u can say that u've completly stoped.
thankyou for your comment. im sorry to hear about your father....rise and overcome
dont give him the satisafaction of the doubt
take care and fight your demons....look at me now....i wont let him use me anymore...