I'm Missing Home

Feeling: sane
3:16 PM I wish you saw you the way I see you. You are so beautiful in every way. You aren't perfect, no one is. But you are so amazing. If you could see yourself through my eyes for a small amount of time, you would know what you really are. You would feel complete. You tell such hurtful lies to yourself. It makes me want to beat you up. Why would you do it? You amaze me everyday. I love you. I wish I could see you. I wish You would realize what you really are. --------------------- 3:23 PM I manage to incorporate "i miss home" into every entry. Usually. It doesn't suprise me. I day dream occasionally here. It's always about home. Okay! So I day dream half the class away and don't listen to anything my teachers say. Shhh!! I wish you Loved me by the way. I wish you were honest when you said things like that. I can't help wishing. Maybe I should just give up on this. I'm remaining a dateless loser I've decided. I don't even know if I want to go to dinner anymore. *deep sigh* I just want to be happy. I want to come home and be able to say how I had such a great time. I will, but there will always be the "but I couldn't help wishing you were there. I missed you. It would have been better if you were there." I don't like the fact that I am so relient on other people. I need others to be around and to at least 'accept' me. Today I was doing this after my assignment in History. Abby and Lexi saw it and asked what it was and I said it was my journal. And so then they wanted to read it. I forgot about all the bad days I've had. When I've been so sad and wanted to go home so much and hated this place so much. When Lexi got to one entry and I refused to let her read it and luckily it was the end of the class so she logged off. I don't really like the idea of people here reading my thoughts. I don't trust them. They don't love me. I wonder...nevermind. I wish you Loved me. I wish that you knew how much I like you. Pay attention to me. You are so beautiful. I write about way too many people each entry. ------------------- 4:49 PM You used to flirt with me like crazy but now it’s like you don’t even care anymore. It’s a given…or you are over me. And I know claim I’m over you all the time. But I’m not. And I know I’m not. When did you get over me? It was like…overnight. Maybe it’s because I’m selfish. Maybe it’s because I’m ugly on the inside. Maybe it’s because you realized who I am. I’m Katherine. The girl you can’t like. Because I’m too much of a friend. Or because I’m not –enough- of a friend… How come whenever I want to use sitDiary, it’s down? It makes me very angry. It hasn’t been down in a while but I haven’t –really- wanted it in forever. I’m re-addicted. Bad me. *cough cough* Press my face against the cold glass Force myself back to reality *yawn* I’m really bored. ---------------------- 7:46 I know I assume too much. What do you want me to do?
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i think perhaps i love kat! she is my queen!*praising, bowing deeply to the floor*bwahah.well i think that i will eat a peanut butter sandwhich...cait