I'm so weird. Everytime I get online I have a certain pattern.
-get on sD and check my comments
-read all my friends plus Shawnie's(because I haven't added her because I'm lazy!)
-go to livejournal and check Teresa journal
-click on friends to read Erin's new entry and end up reading Kirsten's(spelling?)(pooooor kiri....)
-go back to sD and read the 4 stories I've been reading
-go to DevArt
-then I check hotmail
During that I message people.
I congradulate you if you have read this far. You deserve something cool like muffins or a jones soda in a can. A strawberry lime one...or if you prefer a green apple.
Today I have no school(obviously since it's 11:42 and I'm on) Weeeeeeeeeeee I might go ice skating tomorrow! HOORAY! And Sunday I'm making a poster and pecan pies with Aly for english.
Dah. I feel semi-like a loser. Because I want to do stuff with people other than just Aly and Josh. *needs to make friends*
Haha. I know you all don't believe me but I'm rather shy at school. I can see all your guys shocked faces. But I am.
Hey look! Ber is on...Totally random, but yeah. My mac n' cheese is done. Later kidos.
Oh, and thanks for the congratulations.