Listening to: We Looked like Giants-Death Cab for Cutie
7:50 PM
My right pinkie is bleeding all over. And it got on my return key, so I had to wipe it off with a lysol disinfecting wipe and now I'm trying to type without it. It's kind of hard to type fast without it. I would be sad without my pinkie.
Sat around and fiddled with my camera for a while. I love it. Mmmm...
I want cherry pie. Or a giant bowl of chocolate pudding, chocolate chip waffles, and powdered sugar. Plus whipcream. Best of times.
I have no clue where the heck Courtney is and it's starting to make me really upset, because I need to find out what we did in Alg. 2 and biology today. Especially if we took notes in biology. *hyperventilates*
I'm really terrible at studying. I know the cell definitions, the cell parts, the microscope parts/functions, and Robert Hooke(who first discovered cells.) And that's about it. Oh and the definition of defusion. And a couple other random things I'm sure. But I'm still gonna lose. Dang it.
Yay! It's my kitty. He loves me.
I'd better go to bed pretty soon, since I have to wake up early to go to school*sigh* Where's the snow when you need it?
We're learning about Glycolysis now...what fun :p