like smoke....he he... so I did myself over for like $50 tonight at work...yeah yeah it WAS ONE OF THOSE days. So I just have to be more careful and keep major track of my money. I think I might be too trusting of a potentially shady bar tender... BUT we fixed that. WE meaning me and co-waitress... we found a system. I don't know how effective it is but we will soon see now won't we. ---- KEEP CASH TIPS SEPERATE! BIG CHECK ON BACK OF BANK SLIPS ONLY WHEN RECIEVED! LEAVE BANK SLIPS ON MY PERSON! KEEP JAR AT BAR BUT KEEP ONLY QUARTERS IN IT! ---- That is my new system. And I know it doesn't make any sense to you but it does to me. SO HA! just kidding. bye for now! B
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