4th of Crapola-ly!

Today was alright...aside from it being "Independence Day" and all that crap and dealing with STOOOOOOOOOOOPID people, it was alright. Levi, Avante, Michelle and I all went to Kemah. It was PACKED. Full of stupid ass retards no less, who kept running over my child like he wasn't even there. And then these dumb-ass Russian people came and put there oversized stroller RIGHT infront of his chair so he couldn't see the fire works and sit at the same time. And I was like "I think I might just accidently spill my beer on your infant. And then tell you 'Oh I am sorry I didn't know there was a strange looking monkey-thingy in there!?'" woops....now move your stupid stroller and take the ugly kid with you.... You're not even American...get out of the fucking way. BAH! But I didn't. I just sat there LOUDLY bitching about it until they left. HA! I won! ;) YEAH that's RIGHT! but other than that, it rocked. And I got pretty hammered...hee hee... I am a tired baby though.... SO GOODNIGHT! B
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July has everything good.

4th of July--which is good.
July 6th (my birthday)--which is also good


July 16th.. which is the best.
Well.... will you buy me some pants? I'll pay you back!