Public Service Announcement

(thank God for spell check) OK so this entry is going to deal with a few of the problems I have recently encountered with the GENERAL PUBLIC...I do encourage you to read on, however, seeing as how you may deem it necessary to change a few habits. Before I start, I'd like to say: Lord knows I am not perfect...but a little common sense and moral cover the basics of my character. I am not one to turn around and bitch about stuff and then do them myself... AND remember that this is MY JOURNAL and I can say whatever I want in it. NANA NANA BOO BOO. First, SHIT TALKING. For those of you who feel it necessary to talk shit behind someone's back and then be nice to their face AND think that they won't find out or hear about it... YOU ARE STUPID RETARDS! And I will tell you why. Because there is ALWAYS someone out there who likes them better than you and THEY WILL TELL ON YOU! So if you don't have something nice to say about someone...SAY IT TO THEIR FACE! If you are too chicken shit to do that, then keep your freakin' mouth shut. Point. Second, NO MEANS NO! Gentlemen! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...When you see a girl at the club and you think she is cute, for Heaven's Sake, go talk to her. If she says "No", gives you the cold shoulder, or basically tells you to piss off, LEAVE HER ALONE. DUH, SHIT HEAD, if she didn't give you her number the first time you asked for it, do you really think that asking for it 17 other times is ganna get you that number?'s ganna get you kicked in the nuts. OK? AND DON'T talk shit because she rejects you, either. It's a part of life. And believe it or not, you are not God's Gift to women... Yeah...I said're not as hot as you think you are. Point. Third, When you are in a crowded public place, DO NOT stop dead in your fucking tracks when walking. What happened? Did your brain fall out of your ass and you forgot where you were going? NOT LIKELY! So casually pull off to the side and and THEN stop. The next time your self centered half retarded ass stops in the middle of a bar, the cute little waitress with a tray full of drinks, who is walking BEHIND you, is ganna dump them all over your ass and back. Then you will be known as the dumb ass with the wet ass....get it? Point. Fourth, and this one really only pertains to a small percentage of you. DIRT BIKE OWNERS. If you are riding your DIRT BIKE down a busy street in a large city, DO NOT stare at the girls in the the car next to you and ride next to them and try to holler at them. YOU ARE ON A DIRT BIKE and that big helmet you are wearing makes you look like a dumb ass. That isn't very exciting to a city girl. YOU ARE NOT ON A HARLEY and just because you are on a bike, doesn't make us wet our pants.... ok dumb fuck? Point. Thanks for your attention and cooperation in this matter.... B
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Im sorry... I will quit trying to holla at you from my dirt bike... I thought it was hip this whole time... turns out Im wrong.
*sits in the corner for her time out*
Wing-Stop was fun... but then again, when isn't it?

We should do that more often.

I love you.

p.s. Momma got Levi new shoes. they're too big but he likes them because they light up.. and she said something about them being really good shoes.. I mean they're no Jordans but they have rocket ships on them and they light up. So yeah.