Listening to: some movie
Feeling: affectionate
hah ok yea lifes prety good. ive seen my sweetness like everday except yesterday and i was so upset like in the worst mood ever. hes the best. ever. hah. like idk something kinda strange did happen but i still love him. hes so great. hah he even bribed his friend with mcdonalds to come see me after skool. haha hes like begged his freind to drive him to hang out with me so many times. i really love being with him. hah he thinks were gonna get married, i dont think so but i hope we stay together for a while. every other guy ive been with isnt like this. but he is really cool. hes super funny too. and his friends are awesome too. i do really really like him. no ones ever cared that much for me. <3
Read 3 comments
what sup? just chillin here. im glad everything worked out good for you. thats awesome. i wish i could say the same for me. but ya. have a nice day.
i kinda like LCB and rudimentary peni
haha yeah i like alot of music
you seem cool :-)