ok yes. think. alrite. today i was gonna go downtown with matt. change of plans last minute, meet at mall go drive around with matt and brad and brads brother. haha so we drove around and i got to hang out with matt, and then we went to his house. and i met his mom. hah matts like y r u hitting on my mom! just bc i said "i hope to see u around more" i was just tryin to be friendly. hah. anyways he walked me to the mall and my mom didnt show up for another hour! so it was pointless ot hurry back. anyways he stayed with us for a while.
so yea we just stayed there for a while, im like so lucky. i saw melissa, and then jenna and keshara. then matt had to leave later, an di let him go hah. didnt want to tho. not i came home and im severly tired.
i like this kid alot, hes so much like nicer then alotta guys i no. he treats me rite, doesnt push me far at all. hes always calling me telling me he loves and misses me, and always making plans.
its like i like him so much, to the point i start to worry just like things like y is he going out with me? hes like so much better. idk i guess i keep forgetting most boys are too stupid to have a secret motive. im usualy not the total jealous gf but with him sometimes i want to be.
hah but yea were getting married i guess. lol i no hes not serious but its cute to here him say that.
it bothers me hes so damn cute. hah y does it? i dont kno. im not a very gorgeous girl. dont try to make me feel better by telling me i am. i already know.
anyways im super tired.