Random Rant

Listening to: Everything Eminem
For what seems like an eternity i've been running a race that so few people in america have the strength, courage or stupidity (whichever one it is, i'm not really sure anymore) to ever attempt. I've been pushing myself above and beyond my limits physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Now when I'm near the end, the finish line right in front of me, every aspect of my being is falling apart I can barely even crawl anymore and it seems that fate itself has come to the sideline just to trip me every time I try to take another step. But once again I won't let her bring me down, I will keep going as long as I have to, and I will draw my strength from everywhere I can possibly find it. I'm so tired, so sore, so ready to give up right now but i'll keep going if for no other reason because i have no other choice, I have to many people looking up to me, relying on me and the one that matters most isn't even in this world yet... my unborn son. So I'll keep fighting, keep running, keep going, and nothing, i mean nothing, will EVER keep me from realizing my dreams and giving my family the life I never had the chance to know.
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[so make sure you love like you've never been hurt and when you dance, dance like there's no one watching you]
your unknowned artist is alexisonfire.
Just wanted to say hi! Take care okay?!