Listening to: random country songs
Feeling: amazed
The wicked old witch is gone at least till Wednesday. I'm refurring to my dad's girlfriend Donna. Yes! If only she had taken her stupid kids with her. Then I might have fliped! : ) I mean that would be too good. That and my dad is actualy take us some place fun. It's been a while. That will be a treat. I mean i went to the local roller ring Friday but, normaly it's few and far between. There are 5 kids that live at my house. There is me the oldest. My lil. bro Kelly how is 13 then theres my other lil. bro Matthew who is 11. Allso there is my dad's g.f's kids. Brandon 12 and Cassie 11. I hate them. Espicaly Cassie cause she said some thing bad to my mom at long time ago that her cry. I still hate her for that. Brandon he wines about every thing. My lil. bro Matthew is pain but, he is my brother that's practicaly his job. Lil. Kelly he is okay. A pain but, were kool. I have 1 older brother who about 26 or 27 wever never met and two younger sisters who live with there mom. i haven't seen them in all most 10 years. Maby not that long but, close. I all so have millions of cousins. I bet half the people how live my county is a destant relative. Every one knows my family. (The people how have lived here a long long time)
I'm happy cause Donna is gone. If only i get of her stupid ass kids.
It's funny how some thing as this can make me happy. It's good to feel a little happy. I'd be happy her kids were gone or missing or dead but, i mustint get my hopes up. No i shouldn't cause that's never a good idea.
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