at my grandmal's house

Listening to: Brooke Barrows
Feeling: adventurous
I'm at my grandmal's house. I'm trying to lisen to the above artist & my "step sis" is watching t.v & there both sid by side in my grandmal's computer room. Every few mintes I keep turning up the volume at alittle more. This is MY room. I WILL win cause this IS MY GRANDMAL'S HOUSE. SHE WAS/IS MY MOM'S MOM. I DON'T LIKE HER HERE AT ALL!!!!! grrr. Eney ways my dad got us all out of the house for the night. I'm very tritorial espcialy with my family. I'll type more later. I'v got a silent war to attend to. Make it the new cold war. p.s check out my webpage. edit: I WON! Mawahaha!
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thankxs i like urs too :-)

[ invisiblegurl]