
haha i'm not sure what ambitious is, but i liked it, and i didn't feel like finding something, meh alrite, so here's this stupid lil thingy, but i'm bored, so here it is, and later. I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want and I will answer it. Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything
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In person, hmm, well wen im stoned i tend to b rly quite and i just sit there. Umm... When I'm around guys i like i tend 2 b flirty. And wen i just with friends im an idiot who will do nething.

Uh guy, Hand... mianly cuz the thought of having a fuys dirty cock in my mouth is kinda nasty... Girl, Nowhere lol

The worst thing ive done? Hmm... worst thing ive done that i regret? Drugs..worst thing in general....i dont no...setting things on fire?
things being... plastic trashcans... posters on walls... the ground... a swing.... all that kinda crap...
yeah, i think the same also, but i do..
urm ive done it for about a year and a half now, and yesh i have a form of messenger, it's MSN. If you've got it my addy is

Joanna XxX


1) what's your motto?
2) what's one thing you want?
3) name a band

blessing of the night unto thee
haha....i dont know that many big words either...ohh well... :D how have you beem doin?? hopefully good :D well ust wanted to let you know "michael" added you to his friends list so know you can check his diary out :) buh bye and take care!!!

i don't really have a motto either...too many lines and all apply.
one thing i
band...if i have to name one, right now it would be a perfect circle.
blessing of the night unto thee