The Field Trip

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Feeling: happy
I am going to steal Kelly's explanation of the field trip because when I was writing mine my computer went crazy and I lost it. Also, I was too lazt to rewrite it. Hey! Well the harrisburg trip went superbly! First we went to the civil war museam. We only got 45 minutes in there and we could have used like three hours. It was AWESOME. They had dioramas and artifacts and IT ROCKED! Then we went to the capital and got our picture taken with Mario Scavello in the Rotunda. The rotnds has 52 MILLION pounds () of marble in it! They have chandeliers that weight four and a half tons, and mahogany wood throughout it. It is GORGEOUS. We watched the Senate and the house too. Then off to strawberry square where me and sara and katie ate pizza, and ice cream! well, me and katie got ice cream since katie hasnt ice cream since she was like 5. I got vanilla coffe too, and we ate while we walked around, and went mothers day shopping. Then i got another cup of coffee, this time half puimpkin spice and half french vanilla. that was TASTY! Then we went to Whitaker and did all the physics experiments, it was awesome. they had this virtual relaity game where you stood and they put you in the game! and you moved how you wanted the character to. it ROCKED! Then we sawt he IMAx on austrailia. The imax scared me at first because you cant see anything else. It made me feel like I was falling. But i got used to it and it ROCKED SO MUCH! lol. This weird, unidentified person called my cell too. I dont kno who it was. hmm. Teh we went to Starbucks and got frappachinos. Sara kept saying, Starbucks owns my soul! yeah, theyre good though. lol.
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