Living Sucks

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Feeling: aggravated is an entry on eveything that's been going on. Rebecca is moving in 22 days. Vale's father tried to kill him and today was his last day at the East school, now he's going to the West high school. I cried so hard when I heard the news. I'm making sure that when I graduate I have everyone's e-mail so I can keep in touch with everybody. I need Marc and Daniel's e-mail's. I just e-mailed tons of people. James made me feel better today. After I was hugging and kissing Vale goodbye, i walked over to my last period Art class. On the way James started up a conversation with me. "Is that your boyfriend?" "No." "Is that your friend?" "Yes." "Is that your SEX friend?" "NO!!" That was so funny when it happened. And this guy Kasey in my Art class sytuck tape in the shape of a moustache and beard on his face and walked around the school and ouyt to his bus that way. It was so funny. Also, when I messed up on my picture in Art (the teacher didn't think I messed up, because I'm her star student and she loves me) I said "I can't do good Art when I'm happy!" then Kasey said "Then get angrey! Grrrrr!!" It was a very amusing Art class. And yesterday in the class me and Hilary drew stuff all over eachother and painted eachother it was so stupid and fun. Then on Monday in Art Club only 2 members of our possee was able to go, me and Katie. Christina forgot about it and Hilary's dog was sick so she decided to go home. There was this kid George there and he was so sick and funny (and HOT). We took the picture for Anime Club today. I brought brownies into school today for everyone. I brought Christina her picture too and she loved it and so did Steve so now I have to make one for Steve which I will do tomorrow because It's a little too late right now. Sam wasn't in school today. I've so far stuck to my New Year's resolution of being nicer to people. But only if they deserve to be treated nicly. Everyone else can go burn up somewhere. Christina sent me a crazed e-mail so I just sent her one back. I might go to the movies with her/Steve/Katie on Saturday. I might go skiing with her on Tuesday, but probably not. I'll depress me because one of the people who I hate to the extremes will be there. I need a job. I need a boyfriend. Really badly. As usual. So...yeah...*sigh* I wish something fantastic would happen. To ME. For once. School is easier now. All of my classses are easy. I just want to get back to Art tomorrow so I can finish my watercoloring thingy picture of a panda. I wish that it wasn't so late so that I could call Hilary. I'm so sick of living right now. I wish I could put my existence on pause. I think that's all of the wonderful crap thats going on in my life.
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