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Feeling: aggravated
I hate America. my keyboard hardly works. Aol sucks. On July 4th kelly took me to the pool with her. It was fun. Charlie is very hot. I've had a very bad day. I hope everyone at LA Weightloss and Bill Gates die right now. I hate computers. I hate this site. It always logs me off. I also hope the creater of this site dies. I hope a kitten gets hit by a car. Going to New Jersey on Tuesday got cancelled because Kelly has to take her stupid dog to the vet. This Friday we are taking Kelly to go minature golfing. I have never golfed before. The Friday after that we are going whitewater rafting. I have never done this either, neither has Kelly. my kitten is so fucking cute. I love him, his name is Zorro. my m key won't work so I have to paste it in. It is annoying. Tommorow I a going to Target to get Bob Dole's book. Wee. I think I very much need to talk a calming shower right now before I throw your mom out the window. Bye Bye. Charlie is hot. Remember that. Bye.
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haha, sounds like you're having a good day. :P

Cute cat name.

Ugh, and once... when I first bought my wireless keyboard, i had to hit every letter atleast 4 times and/or copy and paste them all. it was so lame. Keyboards are dumb.