
Listening to: Keyboards Clicking
Feeling: happy
Cathy is coming over on Saturday (: Anime Club was awersometastical. The Art teacher wants me to paint on of my drawing on the wall of the school. That would be so awesome (: There were also Green Day fans there that tryed to get my Green Day rubber bracelet. NEVER!! (: I know what I want my sneakers for nest year to be. I want Slipknot sneakers! There only like $50-$60, and they cost less than my HIM shoes, which cost $75. You knw what I think, the one store where my home skizzle Flynn works at had a Slipknot shirt that I really REALLY wanted, but I was already buying a My Chemical Romance shirt that I had wanted for a while. Then the next week, I come back, and that exact shirt (and only that shirt) was on sale, in my size. (: I think Flynn or one of the other people might have put it on sale for me, either that or I'm going crazy. It was the only shirt on sale though. I'm wearing it right now, and it is insanly comfortable. (: I LOVE YOU FLYNN! He dressed up as a female vampire at the store and I took a picture of him on my cell phone. I kep on sqweezing his fake boobs, it was so funny. He was so cute (: Flynn is the only man who can look hot as both a man and a woman. (: Flynn is my future husband, he just doesn't know it yet. '_- We had to take one of those gay government issued tests today. I get to miss Gym. (: Oh yeah, bitch. Question of the day- What is the most expensive thing that a cashier forgot to ring up? I got $60 video game because the guy wasn't paying attention and was half conversing with someone, half ringing me up. A different time, they forgot to ring up a $20 purse-like thingy. Casheir's are dumb. Free stuff is cool. (: I have too many clothes :P You all should see my closet, it is packed, and it's a walk-in closet too. I do need to go through some old clothes in there and give them to the salvation army or pack them away some where. I love everyone (: You are all looking Crispy tonight. Thats just something gay I heard the one guy on the VMA's say. Now I call all my friends crispy, and they call me crispy, and the gansters stare at us like were crazy. (: I am going to get a green Ipod Nano for my birthday (: I also very much need a new skateboard. My one now is really shitty. I want a Bam Margera/Element shkateboard. Does everybody like the colors that I changed my diary to? I have a rubber bracelet that's yellow and purple and it gave me the idea (: I think that's it. Bye everybody, your looking crispy O: (:
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i saw some ramones shoes once, they were pretty cool. yeah, old green day rock...