Listening to: None
Feeling: happy
WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! TODAY IS MY B-DAY!!!!!!! I TURN 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a ton of cool stuff and the most awesomest CD player in the world. And we went to Kinsley's and I saw Charlie!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I GOT SO MUCH AWESOME CRAP FOR MY B-DAY!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!! AND I SAW CHARLIE AND MY MOM TALKED TO HIM SO I COULD BE A GEEK AND JUST SMILE AT HIS SEXYNESS!!!!! ^_^ WEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The movie had to be resceduled to tomorrow, but thats even better because I have more money now ^_^
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Hahah, haaaaaaaaaaapppppppy birthday. :D
Glad you got what you wanted and stuff. ^_^;

lol i don't even know you but happy birthday