My World Is On Fire

Listening to: None
Feeling: fat
So, where should I start? I slept over at Rebecca's house, from Friday to Sunday. It was the best weekend of my life. I got to do all of the stuff that I'm never allowed to do. I must have smoked 20 cigarettes (I'm paying for it now with a soar throat) I ate McDonalds (which is practically illegal in my house). I got to meet Mikey (Rebecca's boyfriend) who is way hotter in real life than in his school picture. Mikey has a lip ring! I got to see Vale! I dumped off Christina to sleep over an extra night since Christina's been a bitch to me. I made up this huge ass made up story to tell her, and she believed it. On Monday I got my results from this compatibility test that we took at the beginning of the year. My friend Sam was the first on the list of most compatible guys, which caused him to ask me out. I said no because he’s my guy friend and that’s just not right and now I don’t like talking to him anymore. He asked Christina why I haven't and she told him and he said he was just kidding, which pisses me off even more because he ruined our friendship over kidding about asking me out (which is fucked up in the first place). Also on Monday everyone was being an asshole to me. On Tuesday Rebecca started screaming at me about all this stupid shit, because Vale’s sister doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. And if Kelly is ever an idiot and reads this then tells Rebecca, I’m screwed even more. But I don’t give a shit right now. But then Rebecca got what she deserved and had to go to the hospital because she injured her hip in Gym. On Wednesday and Thursday everybody was being an ass to me. On Friday I got into a fight with some lesbians, and I won. Yesterday I went to see Final Destination 3 with Christina, Kenny (her boyfriend), her sister, and her mom. It was so great we were going crazy at the mall. And I got Christina’s Valentines Day present. Today is Sunday and there is nothing for me to do so I am just going to watch all the Foamy toons all over again.
Read 6 comments
Hey thanks, your diary is pretty kick ass too. Keep on rocking.

yup new cds are fun but now i have to much music on my ipod
not to preach.



you're going to get hooked.

and then you'll get emphysema and die.

i mean. i would smoke if it wasn't potentially deadly.

but it is, so WHAT THE FUCK.

....sorry. i'm in a really bad mood today.

sorry sorry sorry.

on monday wear all black clothes show your suport there is no real reason to do it but do it... see how it effects everything if everyone does it... show this to everyone you know!!
SMOKING? *gasp*

But anyways,
ahahah, fighting with lesbians.