I Wish She Would Listen

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Feeling: misplaced
I really wish that Kelly would listen to me when I talk about Sara. All Sara ever talked about was how Kelly needed to go on a diet all the time. She made fun of her and called her a friend. Kelly shouldn't be her friend because of that and because Sara is dangerous. Sara told me things that she woud nbever tell anyone else back when we were friends. She keeps a gun in her room. I saw it. She told me about it and said that if I told anyone she would deny to the end. She is messed up. She also told me alll the time about how the only people she can really trust is her family, and not her friends. Kelly is going to get hurt and I just don't want her to. I wish Sara would kill herself like she said she would a million other times. A part of me wants to die because Kelly is still Sara's friend. And I can't even tell Kelly or she is going to give me a speech on how she picks her own friends. There's a difference between Rebecca and Sara. Rebecca has good friends that help her out, Sara needs more than friends, she needs professional help. I wish that Kelly would see that and stay away from that nut job. I know alot of shit about her that Kelly doesn't and it would scare her if she did know. I just wish that she would listen to me. There is a part of me every day that wants to slap Kelly for being naive. I know if someone was constantly making fun of me behind my back I wouldn't be their friend. And it also sucks because, nomatter what, Kelly won't listen to me, because she's stubborn and does not know the real Sara like I do. Stuff about her that she told me and said she would beat me up (not like the pussy could) for if I told anyone (and deny it). I had a nightmare where Sara shot Kelly and killed her. This kind of thing is going to bother me until I'm in my grave. If I ever told Kelly any of the things that Sara told me, she wouldn't believe me, I already know she wouldn't. I just wish so bad that Kelly would never communicate with Sara ever again. She's dangerous, and there's somethjing wrong with her. She takes alot of medication too. She is sick. But nobody is going to listen to me, as always. And something bad is going to happen. I just have this feeling that won't go away. I just want a friend, that was just like me, if possible, so that I can talk to someone about this and make my headache less worse. I feel a little better now that I got that out. But I still have this feeling that makes part of me want to die because Kelly, and everyone else I know, just won't listen to me. They don't hear me. They mute me out. They ignore me. Whatever you want to call it. I wish I was famous sometimes, that way I could easily get peoples attention. Ofcourse that's not the kind of attention I'd want. I want reall attention. Where someone will come to me and say "I want to hear what you have to say, your opinion" but I don't think I ever will.
Read 9 comments
I want the same thing, but it's not always that easy.
Sorry about your friend, and hopefully you'll be able to get through to her and make her realize the truth.

On another note, I LOVE the background... and I know Xanga is evil. But it has it's moments. =P
wow. there seems to be some problems but i'm not going to say anything because i really have nothing to say. i can't believe i read your entry but i did! and i don't know why. i don't even know the people you were talking about but it's all good.
and yes i did figure out how to add friends! thanx for the help!!!
LOL, I hate hormones. *shakes fist*

And I just realized that the top of your page says "cover your face! I think it just gave me cancer!" ahahaha, that's awesome.
oh hi (waves) Thanks for the comment
That sucks about kelly not seeing sara
omg...SARA KEEPS A GUN IN HER ROOM?! I don't even like her that much..she's really annoying. I hate how shes always on me about my weight too. Woah..I'm going to stop talking to her. That's just crazy. Thats insane. Thank you so much Katie. You are such a good friend for not wanting me to get hurt. I love you. I wish I would have known this sooner about her. I'm sorry if i come across as kind of arrogant when you're talking..I'll try not to be
(continued) anymore. I'm sorry for that. I'll always be here for you.

again...Thanks so much. I'm glad you left a comment in my diary so i came here and read that.

Nice picture of GD, btw.
lol, well, good idea, 'cause there's nothing funnier than making a joke out of something serious like cancer. love it. :D
And I'm suprised I haven't drown yet.

How's your summer goinnng? :D
This girl Sara...she sounds alot like someone i used to know.

listen, i can understand how much it sucks that your friend still hangs around her, and it sucks that your other friend wont listen...but the most important thing right now is, keep yourself away from sara.too much contact with her, and she will drag you down. she will fuck you up the same way shes fucked up. trust me...it happened to me.

just be careful...ok?
lol, the computer keys are evil.

And that's good. My summer's going pretty good. I'm just so glad that it's heeerre. :D And plus, only one year left of highschool. w00t.