
Listening to: None
Feeling: happy
KELLY LYNN ELIZABETH CARSON IS YOU ARE FUCKING READING THIS I WILL FIND OUT. MIND YOUR OWN BUISINESS YOU FAT PILE OF PSYCOPATH LOVING SHIT. STOP BEING TELLING ON ME FOR WHATEVER I SAY. IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M MAD AT YOU, NOT MINE. WHAT I WRITE IN HERE IS NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS, IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND THEN YOU NEED TO STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH THAT PSYCO BITCH AND APOLOGIZE TO ME. OTHERWISE YOU HAD BETTER FUCKING STOP CALLING ME A REDHEADED BITCH AROUND REBECCA. SHE TELLS ME WAS YOU SAY YOU STUPID ASS. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DON'T GO REPORTING ME. NO WONDER EVERYONE CALLS YOU A CRY BABY. Sorry about that. I just needed to make that clear. The Chorus concert was fun. I got to see some of my friends and me and Courtney had a good time making fun of Christina, who looked like a prostitute. She was wearing a short tight dress, that looked like golden snakeskin, and a granny sweater wrapped around her chest. Her hair was unevenly done too. And Rebecca told her off (: Then when it was over me and Courtney wrote stuff in the snow and got locked out (: And Sarah's party was...woo...Nicole broke a light fixture. Everybody was sliding all over the floor, the music was loud. We tried to make a movie of the Blair Witch outside and Jasper was clinging to me because I was warm and he was scared of the dark and cold. And we played manhunt. I got accidently sexually harassed like 10 times. Dorothy couldn't come ): But it was still fun. Then me, Sarah, Nicole, Hilary, and Daniel went into Sarah's parents room. (The house was empty because it was a going away party). I loaned Daniel my Marilyn Manson DVD. He is so hot (: So is Eli but he wasn't at the party. Sarah loved my present, which was a Gorillaz T-shirt. Everyone was wasted by the end of the night and the people who were sleeping over went to the cottage they were staying at until they move to Canada. Most of the peope went to sleep, but me, Sarah, and Nicole stayed up late. Sean was the only guy allowed to sleep over because he was gay. (: Everybody took a bunch of pocky from the party too. That was the best party of my life. Too bad Sarah and Stephanie are moving away to Canada. But as soon as I get out of high school, I'm taking a roadtrip to Canada. I'm taking Dorothy, Rebecca, and Hillary with me. I am never going to forget this party, it was the best ever (: Sarah was grouchy though because everyone was being too loud. She wanted a simple party. Only three of the people she invited came. Stephanie had about 20 of her friends there. I was the only one of Sarah's friend's who slept over. I can understand though. She's leaving all her friends and she has to start over. Something is wrong with my eyes. I keep on seeing grey spots everywhere. Normally they go away after a while, but now there not. If I lost my vision, I don't know what I would do. I think I would just kill myself actually. Rebecca and Vale are at a court hearing now for Sean, he sexually harassed Rebecca, and Vale was there that night. I feel alone. Vale loves Rebecca, and I love Vale. So I'm screwed. All the guys I like, like Rebecca. ): I want to tell Rebecca about the party. I also want to tell Vale omething that Rebecca would probably punch me for doing. It's not what you think. I owe so much work in Computers. I don't care though. The Computer teacher can go screw herself because I came into homeroom as soon as the bell rang. Because you know I was just smoking pot and shooting up in the hallway -_- I have Art Club today. I get to talk to Hillary who was only able to come to the party for a little while. Christina can go blow Steve if she thinks I'm going to not go because of her there. When I finish drawing my mural, I'll get Katie and Hilary to help me paint it. Because they are artisticly gifted, unlike Christina who draws like shit. I am going to miss Sarah so bad. ): She had better e-mail me, and call me on my cell. And I made a mistake, not a bad one but one has to know '_- I need to buy Christmas presents for Dorothy, Rebecca, Jessie, and Hilary. Dorothy I'm going to get her a stuffed pink penis from Spencer's and a bottle of Ranch dressing (inside joke). Rebecca I'm going to get her an AC/DC shirt and a bag of chocolate covered coffee beans (inside joke) Hilary I'm getting the new HIM CD, and Jessie I'm getting earings and socks (inside joke) or something with Spongebob Squarepants. Hardly of the people from the party are at school today. I guess they still have a hangover from all that food and other shit that we did.(: And Danielle is a stupid bitch. I can't believe Chis is dating her. I hope they break up. Danielle cheats on him but I'm not telling him because he won't believe me. For now I've just got to put on a pretty face and pretend to be nice to her. And Melissa is Danielle's friend and Melissa has been ignoring me when I talk to her. I think that Kely told something to Danielle who told something to Melissa. They already are pissed at me so if that fat bitch Kelly does tell on me it won't matter. My blurred up vision went away. (: But I have really bad head-ache. Where's Mary-Kte when you need her...(: She might transfer back here next year (: That will be fun. I need to get my Lunch changed from B to C next semester so that I can be with Rebecca and Dorothy. I still forgot to do my History project. My Computer is shitty so I'm probably never going to get it done. I downloaded all of my Marilyn Manson CD's onto my Computer last night. today is one of those days when you go to bed early. I can't wait until tomorrow so that I can I think I'm going to go now. I'm still not doing my goddamn Computer work today though. The teacher was a bitch and I have a headache. Class is over is about 15 minutes. Bye my homies (:
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yeah, i just read that, strange, i thought it was in april