I Am Not.

Feeling: abandoned
Cathy sleeping over was fun. When the lights went out, Cathy lost her whole Urbz game. Then we played board games. Then we wen to the cossings and I got kicked out of Clair's (permanently) for stealing a keychain. *GASP* The horror. I almost got arrested. My mom kept on yelling at me. While I was there I was able to get a set of The Nightmare Before Christmas Arm Warmers. They are awesome. Cathy stole too, but she didn't get caught. She got the Arm Warmers too, we were twins yesterday. (Actually we ook nothing alike). These computers are very annoying, there possisioned improperly and the chairs are uncomfortable and I took of my jacket but I still feel hot. I have a bad searing pain in the back of my head. I havn't een doing the Computer class At The Bell things. I forget. I should be doing an assignment now, but screw it, my diary is more important to me. I'm ahead in this class anyway. I had to go to a dentists appointment yesterday. I'm getting my braces off October 26th. Finally. The basement flooded a few weeks after we got it waterproofed. Were suing the guy who waterproofed the basement since he won't give us our money back. It was $5,088. I helped my dad find a good lawyer. Atleast thats taking the spolight off of me. I like Val. Alot. But he likes Rebecca. Rebecca is perfect, what guy doesn't like Rebecca. On the bus today he told her he loved her. My favorite song was playing on the radio. I don't know what that means, if it means anything, which it probably doesn't. I want to cry, really hard. I don't want to go to Anime Club today, I hope it gets cancelled. If we still have it I'll go, only because I think it will make me happy. I still like Val. He is so...I don't know how to put IT. Every guy I've ever liked had liked somebody else. I need a boyfriend. Rebecca has a boyfriend. He likes Marilyn Manson and all the rock that I like. She wants to introduce him to me. From what she tells me, he seems nice.Rebecca is even more perfect because she said that he's not hot, she loves him for what he is. I love Val for what he is. Everything is unfair. This always happens to me. It's raining out, maybe Anime Club will be canceled. So many people are fake. I hate Christina so bad, because she dated the guy I liked. She wants to be my friend, I'll pretend to be hers. Kelly is a huge poser, and she tells her mother everything, and shes nosy, and she things acting like a fucking idiot will get her friends. She is wrong. If anybody wants to fuck with me today. I am going to beat the shit out of them. I don't feel well. My head hurts really badly, it's getting worse. My back hurts, and I feel even hotter than before. I wish I didn't wear a sweatshirt to school today. But it was raining this morning. I want it to rain forever. Fall is my favorite season, to bad it's starting out shitty for me. I want to go home and read/listen to music/play video games. Every Wednesday we get to read for a half hour...I need that today. And it will be during stupid Gym today. I have figured out all the elcectives I'm takinig for the rest of my high school years. One day I'll type them up on here. Now I just have to get them. If I don't get the classes I want, I'm going to complain ALOT. It took me many hours to work out the classes I wanted. If I don't get them all I am going to scream. I'm going to be Marilyn Manson for Halloween. When he had the breast implants. (: Should I go trick or treating this year, or should I answer the door and hand out candy to the little children/spawns of satan in our neiborhood? I'll think about it. Maybe I'l invite Cathy over so I won't be alone. We can pig out on candy and watch scary movies, if she wants. Who should I go trick or treating with if I do? My head hurts. I want to see Charlie. I want to see Flynn. I want to see Val. I want my head to stop hurting. I hope the rain slows down during Gym so I scan cool down outside. I hope Chris is here today. He will be the only friend that I have left in Gym today because the other classes are going to a stupid Golf coarse. Why do all books have really shitty endings? Does anyone know a book that has a good ending? Please tell me if you do... I think I need o go to a doctor. I think there is something reall wrong with me. They'll just give me a pill. Pills never work on me. And I doubt on anyone. So many hings give you cancer now. It's sad. I spent this whole period writing this. I'm going to have to go soon. ): I don't think Rebecca realizes how perfect he is. I am so envyous of her. She has every boy in love with her. Val is. Val. I can understand why. Rebecca is perfect, I am not. Wish me luck.
Read 2 comments
wow, that was a long entry. when u were talking about urbs, was that urbs as in the sims? coz that game fricken rocks! i dunno who val and charlie, but good luck with seeing them..
Crispy like bacon?
Veggie bacon, that is. :]

So long entry. *takes it all in*
-The Urbz game TICKS ME OFF.
& so does Clair's, if you mean the store chain--so yay you!

-Fuck the fake people. Damn them allll. & perfect people. :(

-I wanna be a Ninja Turtle for halloween, & can't find a costume to fit me. :O Stupid little kids with their small costumes.