Feeling: aggravated
hey... GOD I am sooooo tired of all this shit that's going in at the skool... and all this shit going on with ***** ... he's getting on my fucking nerves... one minute we're all close and he's all "are you okay" and all this shit... and then the next minute he's all ignoring me and pretending like he doesn't know me when he's around his freinds... its really fucking annoying... i'll post more later
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hey hey, its britt. i am not mad at him. just anoiyed with some of his actions. but he is acting just like anyother teenaged boy would. dont worry acording to my mom my dad was the same way in highshcool. he will get over this phase. and also my mom said all of her brothers were like that too. but leave him be.
what exactly did he do? i know how he has been acting but anything else?