move along like I know you do

Feeling: insatiable
survey for you
Part 1: The Birth of You 01. Do you know what month you were conceived?: Nope 02. Were you a planned baby?: I think so. idk 03. Were you the first?: yep 04. Did your mother have an easy or difficult pregnancy?: I have no idea 05. Were you premature or late?: two weeks late 06. What hospital were you born in?: Henrico Doctor's Hospital 07. How long was your mother in labour?: Beats me 08. Who was present at your birth?: I have no freaking clue 09. Were your parents married when you were born?: Yes 010. What was your birthdate?: July 5, 1990 011. What day were you born?: Thursday 012. How much did you weigh?: 8lb. something 013. What were the names your parents considered for you?: girl = Brittany (which I was named) or Claire … boy = Sean Christopher 014. What name did they finally decide on?: Brittany 015. Were you christened?: Nope Part 2: The Family 016. How would you describe your family?: crazy, insane, delusional, fun, amazing 017. Which side of your family are you closest to (your mum or your dads?): Mom’s without a doubt 018. Are your parents married, separated, divorced or simply just a couple?: Married 019. Do you have siblings or are you an only child?: only child 020. If you do have them, are you eldest, middle, or youngest?: N/A 021. What are your siblings names and ages?: N/A 022. If you are an only child, do you like it that way?: not really, its ok 023. Do you ever feel that children with no siblings are more spoilt?: not really. 024. Are both sets of grandparents still alive?: No 025. Which grandparent are you closest to?: the only one alive, my mom’s mom 026. What is your mothers first and middle name?: Doris Marie 027. What is your fathers first and middle name?: James Coleman 028. What are your mothers parents names?: Harold and Margaret 029. What are your fathers parents names?: James Coleman and Ora Lee 030. Which parent do you get along best with?: Mom 031. What do you usually fight about?: there are lots of things 032. Do you eat together as a family?: sure do 033. Do you have stepparents?: No 034. Stepsiblings?: No Part 3: The Friends 035. Do you have more than one best friend?: sure do 036. What are their names?: Lane, Mark, Julie, Kevin, Heather, TripleEE, Brandon, Chad, Sydney, Crystal, and Nicole 037. How often do you hang out with them?: @ skool and that’s it 038. What do you like to do when you are together?: eat food, play tennis, just hang-out and talk 039. Do you share the same interests?: sure do 040. Which friend can you trust with your life?: TripleEE, Kevin, and Lane 041. Which friend can you tell anything to?: same as above and Sydney 042. Have any of your friends betrayed you?: yep sure have, the person I thought was my best-friend too 043. Which friend has remained your friend since a very young age?: Lane and Brandon Part 4: Your Personality 044. Write a short paragraph explaining who you really are: I’m crazy and insane. I love my friends and family more then life its self. Kevin could be the greatest guy ever. I hate people who say that they’re you’re friend and then they go and talk shit about you behind your back. I love the beach, the country, and the city streets of downtown Richmond. I sometimes make things overrated, and I will tell you off in a second. My new obsession is Straylight Run, strawberry shortcakes, and Vault soda. I love the rain, and dancing in it is amazing. My friends are my life and if you mess with them, its on. I’m in love with my best-friend and I think he’s pretty much amazing. I hate backstabbers, liars, and people who hit woman. That’s about it because I can’t go on. 045. Do you believe in yourself?: sure don’t 046. Does religion play a big part in your life?: No 047. If you are not religious, what are your beliefs?: I believe in God and Heaven and Hell. So that’s about it 048. Were you brought up to believe in any particular religion?: sort of 049. Are you spiritual?: no 050. How high/low is your self esteem?: Depends on the day 051. Do you get depressed about things easily?: depends on what it is 052. Are you a sociable type of person or do you prefer to be on your own?: I can be 053. Are you happy?: right now? yes 054. Do you live life to the fullest?: mostly Part 5: Your Appearance 055. Are you comfortable with the way you look?: not really 056. What parts of your physical self would you change given the one chance?: idk. My face and skin 057. What is your least favourite part of the way you look?: glasses and hair 058. And the favourite?: my legs 059. What is your face shape?: idk 060. Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: Nope 061. Describe your hair: medium length, dirty-blonde and straight 062. How would you describe your figure?: I have no idea, athletic 063. Do you thrive on achieving the so called ‘perfect’ body?: nope 064. What make up do you wear?: none 065. How do you dress?: whichever way I want Part 6: Your Past 066. Were you any different as a child?: sure was 066. How have you evolved over the recent years?: the people I hang-out with, the things I like to do and eat. The way I see people and life 067. What schools did you go to?: Dumbarton, Brookland, Hermitage 068. What did you enjoy doing?: watching TV, listening to music, running, walking, hanging-out with my friends and family, writing, dancing, talking on AIM 069. What did you used to love but no longer do?: Barbies 070. Do you have the same friends?: Some 071. Name some big events/incidents of your childhood?: I sliced my finger open on my “brother’s” grinding rail and had to be rushed to the Patient’s First b/c I was gushing blood everywhere … I broke my wrist playing soccer when I was 9 072. Do you ever miss being a child?: sure do 073. When did you first start to realise you were growing up?: Middle School 074. When did puberty hit?: 12 i think 075. Did you ever have any boyfriends/girlfriends when you were younger?: nope Part 7: Your Future 076. What is your ambition?: Homeland Security, Secret Service, or NCIS 077. Do you have a job?: nope 078. Do you think you will achieve your ambitions by the time you reach 25?: I hope so, but we’ll see 079. Are you scared of growing old?: not really 080. Do you want to get married?: Yes 081. How old do you want to be when you start a family?: about 20-30 082. Are you going to go to any universities/colleges?: I sure hope so … Radford, UNCW, or ASU 083. To study what?: government and criminal justice 084. Do you have name ideas for your future children?: Wyatt Coleman, Aidan Barrett, and Joel Harmon … Kaitlyn Rose, Zoie Grace, and Natalie Marie Part 8: The Media 085. How important is the media (TV, music, movies etc) to you in your life?: music is everything … and I love TV 086. Does it influence your inspirations?: sure does 087. Do you idolize any particular celebrities, or do you think that’s stupid?: sort of 088. Have you ever met anyone famous and got their autograph?: yes 089. What is your favourite kind of music?: Country and Rock 090. Movies?: Horror and Comedy 091. TV Shows?: CSI: New York, CSI, NCIS, Still Standing, Out of Practice, Stargate SG-1 092. Do you prefer to listen to music or watch movies?: music 093. Are you addicted to any particular song, movie, or TV show right now?: song = Extintionalism on Prom Night – Straylight Run, Move Along – the All American Rejects, 4th of July – Shooter Jennings, Figured You Out – Nickelback … TV shows = CSI: New York and NCIS 094. Would you ever want your career to go in the direction of media?: probably not Part 9: Literature 095. How often do you read?: depends 096. Have you ever become obsessed by a particular book you have read?: no 097. What are your favourite novels?: don’t really have one 098. Authors?: Max Allan Collins and whoever writes the CSI: New York books 099. Do you judge a book by its cover?: Sometimes 0100. Would you call yourself a bookworm?: nope 0101. Have you ever read any classic English literature and enjoyed it?: sure have --- I love Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe 0102. Have you ever read anything for school and actually enjoyed it?: sure have 0103. What are your favourite bookstores?: Borders 0104. Do you like to read poetry?: love it 0105. Do you write?: No Part 10: The Outdoors 0106. Do you prefer to stay indoors or go outdoors?: Outdoors 0107. Do you love nature?: Yea 0108. What is your favourite season?: I like them all pretty much 0109. Weather?: sunny and warm; rainy and warm 0110. What are your favourite sports?: soccer, baseball, and hockey 0112. Do you like to walk in the rain?: Yes 0113. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?: Mild Part 11: Animals 0114. Do you have any pets?: Yes 0115. If so, breed, name and age?: cats … M&M-3 and Cody-7 0116. What is your favourite animal?: ducks and monkeys 0117. Do you like wild animals?: sure 0118. If you could tame any animal for a pet, what would it be?: a spider-monkey 0119. Does any particular animal scare or creep you out?: spiders 0120. Have you ever ridden an animal (if so, which one)?: a pony when I was like 4 0122. Are animals important to you?: sure are Part 12: Food 0123. Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian?: both 0124. If you eat meat, have you ever considered going veggie?: nope 0125. If you eat meat, what is your favourite?: beef 0126. If your veggie, when did you first become one?: 0127. Was it because you hated the thought of eating animals or simply because you didn’t like the taste?: 0128. Do you eat fish?: I hate it 0129. Do you love dairy?: sure do 0130. What is your favourite dairy product?: ice cream, milk, and yogurt 031. What is your favourite food?: cheesecake and tacos and lasagna 0132, What food makes you want to gag?: liver...yuck! 0133. What is your favourite restaurant?: Olive Garden 0134. What is your favourite fast food?: Taco Bell 0135. What is your favourite dessert?: cheesecake 0136. What is your favourite vegetable?: Carrots 0137. What is your favourite fruit?: Strawberries & Grapes 0138. Ever eaten anything really exotic or strange?: Starfruit 0139. What food do you refuse to go near?: Liver 0140. Are you a fussy eater or will you eat anything?: depends Part 13: Relationships, love and sex 0142. Did you get uncomfortable at the sight of the word ‘sex’?: No 0143. Are you single or taken?: Single 0144. If you are single, are you looking?: sure are, even though there is someone that I have in mind 0145. If you are taken, who is the lucky man?: -- 0146. If you have a boyfriend, describe what he looks like. If you are single, describe how your ideal boyfriend would look: hmmm… brown or blonde hair, blue or green eyes, taller then me, but not by too much 0147. Are you in love or have you ever been in love?: I am in love w/ someone who doesn’t care 0148. Do you think it is the best feeling in the world?: not when they don’t know 0149. Are you a virgin?: yes 0150. Do you hate that question whenever you see it?: not really (if you are a virgin skip to the next section) 0151. Who was the last person you had sex with?: N/A 0152. Do you have casual sex?: N/A 0153. Do you believe that you have to be in love with the person before you actually have sex?: yes 0154. Sex is the act of love - true or false?: idk 0155. Do you have a high sex drive?: N/A 0156. What is the most amount of times you have had sex in one day?: N/A 0157. What are your favourite positions?: N/A 0158. When was the last time you had sex?: N/A 0159. Is sex very important to you?: No Part 14: Experiences 0160. What was the greatest experience of your life?: I’m not really sure 0162. And the worst?: the whole Kevin thing 0163. What about the most memorable?: umm … Tennis, PE, “Happy-Corner”, Kevin 0164. Have you ever been drunk?: Not off of beer 0165. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No 0166. What about a joint?: No 0167. Have you ever done any drugs?: No 0168. Would you?: No 0169. Have you ever broken a bone?: yep 0170. Have you ever had to stay in hospital overnight?: nope 0171. Have you ever thought you were going to die?: No 0172. Have you ever suffered from severe clinical depression?: yep 0173. Ever seriously contemplated suicide?: yep 0174. When was the happiest you have ever been?: idk when I’m with my family 0175. Do you want to travel the world?: sure do
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wow thats awesome that youve heard shooter jennings song "4th of july"
i love that song too.
in case you havent noticed i enjoy taking the surveys that you post on your sitdiary.