
Listening to: Animals - Nickelback
Feeling: alive
Sitdiary @ skool!!! super cool. English: did nothing, worked on our papers Driver's Ed: driving evolution. and then we hung-out. and Kevin and I spent like forever in his classroom playing around (get your mind out of the gutter), but he did grab my ass. and then I kicked him and he ran away. lol. and he kept tickling me. it was great. Health: we're watching some gay ass movie. it sucks ass. and we have to write a one page paper on it. have u ever??
Read 5 comments
OMG were on sitdiary! this is awesome..
yay to heather. lol
haha magnum cracker.. oh the good times
haha magnum cracker.. oh the good times
whew whew!! this is sweet. i feel like i'm still in the ninth grade. lol

write back
ou kevins dirty lol. im bored. in babers class. save me.