
Listening to: CSI
Feeling: sinful
Whatever Whatever
Flavor of Jello:cherry
Animal:duck and monkey
Smell:sawdust ... melted butter ... rain ... salt water
Day of the week:Friday
Non Alcoholic Drink:milk, gatorade and mountain dew
Alcoholic Drink:idk
Candy:Milky Way, TWIX, and anything sour
Colour:blue, green, and pink
Sport:soccer, baseball, and hockey
Breed Of Dog:beagal
Book:CSI: NY and CSI
Season:winter and summer
CD:In Your Honor disc 2 - Foo Fighters
Article Of Clothing:jeans and tank-tops
Do you:
Have any weird fetishes:nope
Like your handwritting:yep
Believe in God or a higher power:yep
Sing in the shower:yep
Have any enemys:yep
Have a job:nope
Would you:
Bungee Jump:maybe
Lie to make someone feel better:depends
Pawn everything you owned to travel the world:not everything
Donate a kidney to save a friends life:depends on who it is
Take a bullet for your best friend/signifigant other:depends on who it is
Eat a bug:nope
Go to a protest/rally:depends
Become a stripper:nope
Change your name:yep
Your Life:
Name:Brittany Michelle
What is the purpose of life:idk
#of siblings:zero
Parents divorced?:sure aren't
were you adopted:nope
colour of your hair:dirty blonde
pant size:6-8
Where were you born:Henrico, Richmond, VA
Pets?:3 cats
What is your dream job:NCIS or DOD
where do you see yourself in 5 years:not here
Are you ambitious:sure are
do you have any goals:lots
Are you in a relationship:yeh rite
how long:
whats the most romantic thing someone has done for you:nothing
whats the most romantic thing youve done for someone:idk
whats the best feature about the opposite sex:eyes and smile
whats 'a perfect date':a date
best romantic film of all time:idk
most romantc song of all time:idk
most romantic place of all time:beach
thing the opposite sex does that makes you smile:idk
has your signifigant other made you a better person.. how?:
Have you ever cried over that person... why?:
Do you believe there is the 'right' person for everyone:everyone but me
Virgin?:sure am
How many people have you had sex with:
How many of them were you in a relationship with:
Who was the best:
Who was the worst:
Weirdest place you've had sex:
Any regrets:
Any kids:
Any one night stands you dont know their names:
Do you tell your friends about your encounters:
Most embarrassing sexual moment:
Do you wish you waited til marriage:
Ever had sex with a complete stranger:
What comes to mind first:
Cat:Sir M
Monkey:where'd the monkey come from?
Last Few!
Explain everything about your perfect person of the opposite sex:idk ... nice, funny, caring, respectful, easy to talk too, likes to cuddle.
What are you gonna name your kids:Boys : Wyatt Coleman, Aidan Barret, and Joel Harmon ... Girls : Kaitlyn Rose, Zoie Grace, and Natalie Marie
Gonna get married? Whats your perfect wedding?:I hope so ... idk
Whats something nobody or not many people know about you?:idk ... that I can put up with anything from everbody, but if you lie to me or talk about me behind my back and then deny it, hell will break lose.
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Just About Everthing They Need To Know
Basic Information
Full Name:Brittany Michelle
Birthdate:July 5, 1990
Hometown/Birthplace:Richmond, VA
Current state living in:VA
Sexual Orientation:straight
Current school/work situation:10th grade - HHS
Religion: Based on what you said your religion you can leave some blank
Why do you practice your religion:
Are you offended by people from other religion or beliefs:nope
Have you always stayed with your religion or have you ever changed it:stayed
Do you think other religions are foolish:some
Do you believe that people should follow your religion only:nope
Does it bother you when people try to convert your religion:noone ever has
Your Beliefs
Do you believe in spirits such as angels, demons, or ghosts:yes
If so, which ones do you believe in:ghosts
Do you belive that there is a heaven or hell?:yes
If so, why?:because that's what I was taught
If not, why not?:
Do you believe that paparazzi is old and learning about celeberties is dumb:yes
Do you believe that immaturity is a growing problem:no comment
Do you believe that people should put their foot down on eating disorders?:yes
Some more about yourself
Do you find yourself attractive:hell no
If so, how or why:
If not, why don't you:because I've never had any reason too. I've never been told that I'm attractive or pretty or anything so why should I believe it
Do you find it hard to get into a relationship or staying in one:yeh
If so, why:because I don't have any luck and I'm obviuosly not a likeable girl or girlfriend material
If not, why not:
What do you like best about yourself:my love for my country, my family, and my friends
What do you like best in others:depends
What makes you feel bad:people
What makes you happy:friends, family, music, M&Ms(not the candy), Smacked, rain, candy, dancing, dresses, NCIS, Leroy Jethro, Sir M, cooking, swimming, sports
What is the one thing that would bring you to rock bottom:I am at rock bottom ... because I'm all alone and have no one in this world that really cares
Are you in a relationship, if not some of the questions may be skipped:no
If so, Boy or Girl or Both:
If so, how long:
Do you feel comfortable in you relationship:
What would you change about it:
Do you trust the person in the relationship:
Is this the best one you have ever been in:
Do you see yourself with this person for a long time:
If so, how long:
If not, why not:
How far has the relationship been taken:
Has there been any problems in the relationship:
What would you change about the person you are dating:
When was the last relationship you were in:
Did you feel comfortable in it:
If you don't mind to talk about it, why did it end:
Was it a Guy or Girl or Both:
Do you wish you could still be in one of your past relationships:
Would you break up with the person you are with now for someone else:
Are you cheating on your partner/partners:
If so, why:
Have you ever been in a relationship that was pointless:
Have you ever been in one you hated being in:
Have you ever cried over a relationship:
Does your partner/partners trust you:
Do they feel comfortable being with you:
Have they ever showed a sign of discomfort:
Do you feel that they care for you:
Do you feel that they will always love you:
Are you a virgin:yes
If not, why:
If so, do you feel comfortable with the thought of sex:depends
Have you ever done anything sexual with someone:nope
If so, what:
If not, do you plan to:maybe, when I'm older
Have you experimented with the same sex:no
Have you experimented with the opposite sex:no
Have you ever done anything oral or just with touch:no
If you are not a virgin, when did you lose your virginity:
Did you want to lose it:
Are you with the person today that you lost your virginity to:
If you are a virgin, do you see yourself losing your virginity anytime soon:nope
If so, why:
If not, why not:because I believe in waiting for love or marrige
Are you afraid of sex:nope
Would you regret having sex with your partner:
Would you feel comfortable having sex with them:
If you have had sex with them, has it affected your relationship any:
Do you fantasize about sex:
Have you ever masturbated:
If so, do you still:
If not, why not:
Regrets, if you have done the things listed, if not, leave them blank
Drinking alcohol:
Lying to your lover:
Smoking a cigarette:
Doing any form of drug:
Cheating on something or someone:
Hurting someone:yeh
Telling someone you loved them:yeh ... didn't get me anywhere ... only made me feel worse
Telling your current partner you love them:
Doing something with someone you didn't know or did know:
Being mean to someone:yeh
Arguing with someone:yeh
Yelling at your family members:yeh
Blowing someone off:yeh
Telling your best friend things you didn't like about them:yeh
Making fun of your best friend:
Backstabbing:yeh well ... no comment
Talking bad about someone behind their backs:
How clean are you
Do you bathe everyday:or shower
If not, why:
If you don't, do you purposely not bathe:
Do you brush your teeth:sure do
If so, how many times a day or week:2-3
If not, why not:
Do you floss:nope
Do you use mouth wash:nope
Do you use Q-Tips:yep
Do you shower or take a bath or both:bath in the morning, shower @ nite
Do you wash your body thoroughly:sure do
Do you shave:my legs yes
If not, is there any reason why you don't:
Flavor:idk ... food
Color:blue, green, pink
Continent and Country:North America ... America & Italy
State in United States:North Carolina
Sport:soccer, hockey, & baseball
Drink:milk and gatorade
Alcoholic drink:N/A
Pack of cigarettes:N/A
Person in the world:Kevin, Sydney, TripleEE, Brandon, MeMe, and Lane
Lover you have had:N/A
Smell:sawdust, melted butter, jet feul, salt water, rain
Band/Recording Artist(s)/Musician(s):Foo Fighters, Nickelback, the All-American Rejects, Sugarland, 3 Doors Down, and Jimmy Eat World
Singer:Teddy Gieger, Dido, Avril Lavigne, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley
Food:anything Italian, cheesecake
Cultural food:Italian
Culture:Italian (is that a culture?)
Place to be:sometimes home ... North Carolina
The perfect
Lover:don't have one
Friend:Lane, Sydney, TripleEE, Kevin, Kelsey, and Brandon
Place:North Carolina
Time:sun set
Feel good moment:umm
Who makes you
Feel good:MeMe, Wade, Lane, Sydney, TripleEE, Chad, Kevin, Brandon, and Kelsey
Feel better:Kevin, Lane, and TripleEE
Want to kiss them:no comment .. u know me, u should be able to figure that one out
Know you are wanted:um ... Sydney, TripleEE, Brandon, and Lane
Feel loved:same as above ... MeMe
Can you act like a retard with and never feel bad:Lane, Elise, Crystal, Anthony, and Mike ... TripleEE, Brandon, and Chad ... Kelsey ... the lunch table
Can take the tears from your eyes and comfort you:no one
Is your favorite person to be with:out of all ... TripleEE, Brandon, and Lane
Who can you grow old with and die with:no one
You want to be married:yes
You want to have kids:yes
You feel safe with your friends:some of them
You feel safe at home:sometimes
You feel wanted at home:nope
You feel loved by friends:by a few of them
You feel loved by family:pretty much so yeh
Have you ever
Done drugs:nope
If so, do you still do them:
Wanted to have sex with someone:nope
Drank alcohol:nope
Smoked a cigarette or cigar:nope
Stolen anything:nope
Lied:who hasn't
Purposely told a lie to someone you cared about:yeh
Felt unwanted by your friends:every damn day of my life
Felt unwanted by your family:only by my parents
What is
Your deepest fear:abondenment
Your darkest secret:its a dark secret for a reason
The one thing you can't tell anyone:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Coca Cola or Pepsi cola or Other:coke
Pop or Soda or Soda-pop:soda-pop
Natural or artificial:for what?
Organic or added substances:???
Guys or Girls:guys
Love or Senseless relationship:love
Drugs or Drug-free:drug-free
Sex or Abstinence:abstinence
Religion or Athiesm:idk
Last question
Did you lie on this at all?:maybe ... idk
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idk i think i just misunderstood... so is brass gonna be braindead and grissom has to decide whether to pull the plug?